Eighty Seven: Another Family Holiday

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Isabelle was more than excited when Christmas Eve finally arrived. The entire house was fully decorated thanks to Ron and Bill's efforts, and she could see the snow falling slowly through the window by the outside light as she and Bill sat together on the sofa.

"Are you guys going to Mum and Dad's for Christmas tomorrow?" Ron asked them from where he sat.

"We haven't decided yet," Isabelle said. "We thought, since you still don't want to see your parents, we could just stay here with you and see them later."

"You can't just not go home for Christmas. Won't Mum and Dad be upset?" Ron said.

"We told them that we might not go because we wanted to spend our first Christmas married alone," Bill explained, wrapping an arm around Isabelle's shoulders and pulling her into his side. "Mum's not too happy about it but we didn't think you should spend Christmas alone while we're away with our family."

"Thanks, but you guys didn't have to do that for me," Ron said.

"Ron, no one should have to spend Christmas by themselves, especially family," Isabelle said.

Ron held a small smile on his face before it fell again. "What do you think Harry and Hermione are doing?"

"I don't know," Isabelle said. "But they're probably thinking about you, too."

"Do you really think so?"

Isabelle and Bill both nodded, and Ron looked down at the deluminator that he was constantly fiddling with in his hands.

Isabelle looked up at Bill to see that he was looking at Ron with the same worried expression that she had, but they didn't say anything, leaving him alone with his thoughts. After a few minutes, Isabelle decided to speak.

"Alright, I think we're going to get some sleep. Tomorrow's Christmas, after all," she said, letting Bill stand up from the sofa first to help her up. "Try not to stay up too late," she told Ron before they went upstairs.

Bill and Isabelle stayed quiet until they were upstairs in their bedroom and comfortable in bed under the blankets, Bill laying behind her with his arms wrapped around her and his head against her shoulder.

"I'm worried about Ron," Isabelle said.

"I'm worried, too. He still doesn't think he can face our parents and he's worrying himself sick over Harry and Hermione," Bill said.

"I don't blame him. We're worried about them, too, but we can't begin to understand how he feels," Isabelle said. "I know I would be the same if it were you, or Charlie or Penelope."

"Or Fleur and Tonks," Bill added, and Isabelle nodded in agreement.

"Do you think Harry and Hermione are okay?" Isabelle asked.

"I'm sure they're fine. They can handle themselves and everyone would know about it if something happened to them," Bill said.

Isabelle rested her hand on top of his where it was on her bump, lacing their fingers together.

"Don't ever leave me, okay?" Isabelle said quietly.

"Why would I do that?" Bill asked.

Isabelle shrugged. "I just couldn't imagine being here worrying about where you could be or if you're okay."

"I don't have to imagine," Bill said.

"Oh, Bill," Isabelle started, turning enough to look at him.

Bill shook his head. "It's okay, you're here now and you were perfectly fine with Charlie, that's what matters."

"I love you," Isabelle said.

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