Forty Seven: Department of Mysteries

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The room was large and circular, with several doors lining the walls. The noise echoed along the stone floors and benches as flashes of light of all different colors surrounded her.

Suddenly there was silence, and her attention was drawn to what looked like Sirius, stuck in an intense duel with a woman. Her hair flew all over the place, her cheeks hollowed with years of life in Azkaban, and her smile was black and wicked.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" Sirius shouted.

Isabelle's vision was consumed by a green light, and everything was still.

"Isabelle, wake up," she heard Bill's voice beside her softly.

Isabelle instantly wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest, squeezing her eyes shut in an attempt to keep in any tears.

"We really need to get you more sleeping potion," Bill said quietly.

It was now the end of May, and since she wasn't at Hogwarts and Snape wasn't able to leave for Order meetings or send it via owl to avoid suspicion from Umbridge, she had run out a few days ago.

"What was it?" Bill asked a minute later, giving her a chance to calm down.

"Sirius, he was dueling someone, and then-" Isabelle shook her head as she choked on her words.

"Do you know where?" Bill asked. When they decided to start taking her dreams seriously, Bill started asking her question to help her remember them in case they were telling the future.

Isabelle shook her head again. "No, just a lot of stone a-and doors."

"Who was he dueling? Was anyone else there?"

"I don't know!" Isabelle said, raising her voice a little in frustration with herself.

Bill stopped talking and just looked at her, and she sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, I know you're trying to help. I just hate that I can't remember," Isabelle said.

"It's okay, darling," he said, holding her close and running his fingers through her hair gently.

Eventually, May was over and the end half of June arrived after many long days. It was the time when Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny would be taking their exams for the end of the year and soon returning home, which Isabelle was looking forward to.

Fred and George were hard at work getting their new shop set up and ready for opening. Isabelle waited a few days before visiting Molly again after they sent the twins home to face their parents after leaving Hogwarts, wanting to give her some time to cool down in case she was as upset as anticipated.

Isabelle was quite surprised, though, when she arrived at the Burrow and Molly was in a much better mood than she thought. From what she gathered from both Fred and George and their mother, she was beyond pissed at first when she found out they dropped out of school, but after some consideration and them telling her that they already secured the building and were nearly ready to fill the shop with goods, she eventually came around and realized she was actually proud that they were at least doing something somewhat responsible and adult-like. Molly also didn't know that Harry had given them their start-up money, and she made sure she would thank him when she could.

It was a random day at the end of the month when Isabelle and Bill decided to visit Sirius at Grimmauld Place, and they were joined by Remus and Tonks. The group sat in the parlor room, drinking butterbeer and chatting like old friends who weren't in the middle of a war. Bill was just talking about how things were going at Gringotts when Sirius interrupted.

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