Seventy Two: Ron's Birthday

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The next morning, Isabelle woke up a bit late while still in Bill's arms, and it took a few moments before she realized that they had slept through the entire night.

"Bill," Isabelle said softly, running her fingertips along his jaw softly until his eyes fluttered open to look at her.

"What is it?" Bill asked with a sleepy groan.

"No nightmares," she said, and suddenly his expression changed into a smile.

"No nightmares," he repeated.

"That potion really does work wonders," Isabelle said.

"It does," he agreed. "Now I think I can do anything I want with you and we won't have to worry about them."

"Well, maybe not anything," Isabelle giggled softly.

"You know what I meant," Bill said, his smile never fading. "I love you."

"I love you," Isabelle said and met him in a soft kiss.

Once they pulled apart, Isabelle rested her head back down against his chest and took his hand in hers, playing with his ring absentmindedly for a few minutes until she spoke again.

"You wear your ring all of the time," she said.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked, a bit surprised. "It's one of the best things I have, aside from you."

Isabelle blushed lightly as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"You wear yours all the time, too," he added.

Isabelle shrugged. "I don't know, love. It's just that most men seem to not want to let other people know that they're unavailable until they are married."

"Well, you already know that I'm not most men," Bill said with a small chuckle. "And I have no problem with telling the world that my heart belongs to you, as it always will."

"Always?" she asked.

"Absolutely, darling," he said. "Forever."

"Forever's a long time," she pointed out.

"For us, there's never enough time," Bill said.

Isabelle smiled and kissed him deeply, and it didn't take long before their kiss grew more aggressive until she moved to be completely on top of him.

"We didn't have nearly enough time to celebrate Valentine's Day together yesterday," Isabelle said after pulling away.

"Good thing we have all weekend," Bill said.

Isabelle giggled as he turned them over so he was on top of her and pressed gentle kisses to her neck, and she was more than grateful to see him feeling better than he had in the last few months.


February left as quickly as it came, and soon it was the first day of March, Ron's birthday.

It was Saturday, and Isabelle had no desire to go to Hogwarts that day in case she got stuck there for the entire day with students or other teachers, so she decided she would wait until she returned on Monday to give Ron the gift from her and Bill.

Unfortunately for Isabelle, though, she had several things that needed to be done over the weekend, so it wasn't as relaxing of a day as she would have wanted. She was already up and dressed long before Bill even woke up, and when she returned to their bedroom, she found him still asleep, laying on his stomach.

"Bill, wake up," Isabelle said as she moved over to him, running her fingers through his hair.

Bill just let out a quiet groan against the pillow his face was buried in, and Isabelle rolled her eyes.

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