Rewrite Announcement

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Thank you all for enjoying Say You Won't Let Go and I am so happy to finally announce that I am in the process of rewriting!

Why rewrite?? Well, I will tell you.
I started writing SYWLG in fall of 2020 and it took me a few years to complete. Since then, my writing style has changed, my level of maturity has changed, my experiences have changed, etc., and I think I could do this story more justice than when I first began writing. Also, now that I am getting used to using AO3, I think it can be written with more quality and maturity that would be fit for the platform.

What is going to change??
The general story will remain the same. Characters will remain the same. Most of the dialogue will remain the same.
Most of the changes will just be in wording, grammar, the addition of way more details, backstory, etc. Some things may be taken out or changed to not be so cringy or change some chapters to be researched/written better. I also intend to fix any plot holes I may have created or include things that may have been forgotten about. Essentially, I want this story to have a higher quality that won't get me bullied on AO3. (Not that there is anything wrong with using Wattpad, AO3 users just seem to be a little more particular with their reading).

As of right now, these changes will entirely be published chapter by chapter on AO3 (@/ accio_weasleys). It will take time, as there are so many chapters and it still takes me a long time to write. I have not made any decisions to rewrite and publish here on Wattpad. If I do, I will make an announcement, and it will likely be a new book rather than editing this one since I don't want to delete in-chapter comments.

*Edit* The rewrite will likely be posted here on Wattpad, but at the moment the plan is to do it as a new book and all of the chapters will be published at the same time once the entire book is completed on AO3 (Chapters are being published one at a time on AO3). If I change my mind and decide to publish it by chapter, you all will be the first to know!

**Edit** A preview of the rewrite (first 5 chapters) are now published here on Wattpad as a new story!

Feel free to comment or private message me any questions, comments, or concerns!

I am still slowly working on the other stories, don't worry! This is mostly a way to get myself out of writers block and still be productive. Thank you all for your patience and if you decide to read the rewritten version, happy reading!

Say You Won't Let Go || Bill WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now