Eighty Nine: When 2 Became 3

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Three more weeks went by, and they were trying to make the best of it and the time that they had left before their lives would be changing dramatically. Charlie and Fleur were pretty helpful around the house, with cleaning and finishing up the final bits in the nursery and cooking so Isabelle didn't have to do as much, which was actually beginning to make her more antsy than relaxed.

When Bill and Isabelle woke up one morning and made their way downstairs, they could smell breakfast cooking in the kitchen. They learned pretty quickly that, unlike the couple and Charlie, Fleur was a morning person who was always the first up to make breakfast for the rest of them.

"Fleur's making pancakes and won't let me help," Charlie said from where he sat at the table.

"Why not?" Isabelle asked, absentmindedly swatting Bill's hands away as he tried to help her sit in the chair.

"He keeps burning them," Fleur said from where she stood in front of the stove.

"I only burned like one," Charlie argued.

"Three," Fleur said.

Charlie rolled his eyes and Fleur turned off the stove and brought over the plate of pancakes, setting it down on the table in front of them before sitting down herself.

"How are you feeling?" Fleur asked Isabelle once they were eating.

"I'm okay. My back is just really feeling it today," Isabelle said.

"Sounds like a day for resting," Bill said.

"All I've done lately is rest because you guys won't let me do anything," Isabelle said.

"You know we're just worried about you, Iz," Charlie said.

"I know," she said with a small sigh. "I'm not helpless, though. Besides, my doctor says that it's good for me to still be doing things, since we still have two weeks and she's measuring ahead."

"Only two weeks," Bill said, looking over at her with a smile.

"I know. We really need to finish packing the hospital bag, too," Isabelle said.

"I thought you said you wanted to wait because of something Mum said about bad luck?" Charlie said.

"Your mother and her superstitions," Fleur said, shaking her head. "I have never heard of that being bad luck."

"I try not to question them anymore," Isabelle shrugged. "I just have this feeling that we should go ahead and do it now, just in case."

"I can go ahead upstairs and do it after breakfast, so you don't have to go up again," Bill offered.

"I don't want to go back upstairs but I still want to help," Isabelle said. "Could you bring everything downstairs?"

Bill looked at her for a moment before chuckling softly. "Of course, love."

After they finished breakfast and packed the hospital bag with everything they were told that they would need, they spent the day doing a few other preparation things, like Fleur and Isabelle watching Charlie and Bill struggle with putting the car seat in the car until they stepped in.

It was later in the evening when they were all sitting in the living room, watching a movie, while Fleur was reading over a letter that recently arrived, an odd smile on her face.

"You've been getting a lot of letters recently, Fleur," Charlie said.

"Oh, it is just one person I have been talking to," she said.

"You could just get a phone, you know, or use ours," Isabelle suggested.

"Oh, no, I am not good with muggle technology," Fleur said.

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