Twenty Seven: Under the Stars

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*Mature Content Warning.... again.*

The following two weeks of August came and went, Isabelle spending most of her time helping Mrs. Weasley and the other children with the cleaning while Bill was at work. Isabelle honestly grew to hate being in the house all day while he was gone, and found even the smallest tasks to keep her occupied.

Harry had his hearing at the Ministry, and luckily they decided to drop the charges against him for using underage magic. Even though he was just as relieved as the rest of them to be able to return to Hogwarts, he still seemed to be upset over the fact that Dumbledore was avoiding him.

It was now exactly a week before the new term at Hogwarts was meant to start. Isabelle knew that Dumbledore was struggling to find a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, after Moody chose not to return to the position he never got to teach, but Dumbledore only turned down her offer to take the position. He said, while he believed she would make a good enough teacher, the Ministry would likely accuse him and Isabelle of trying to spread 'crazy nonsense' if he were to give her that job specifically, due to her connection with the Weasleys. Instead Isabelle was to continue helping Flitwick and maybe start shadowing Professor McGonagall, too.

It was that Wednesday night after Bill returned home from the bank that the Weasley family decided it would be best for Bill and Isabelle to move back to the Burrow so Isabelle could floo back and forth between Hogwarts and home, and Molly and Arthur were going to join them a little after the school year begins.

The following day, Bill took the day off. The couple was completely packed (not that they had much with them to pack anyway) and arrived at the Burrow by late afternoon.

When they entered the house, Isabelle had never seen it so lifeless. Typically it was buzzing with energy, with the younger Weasleys running about and Molly cooking dinner while Arthur fiddled with a new muggle object at the table, chatting happily about their days. Now the house was dark and quiet, a light layer of dust covering the furniture from the absence of people that Isabelle would be sure to clean up before Molly and Arthur came home.

"It's good to be home," Isabelle said and Bill nodded in agreement, setting down their trunks by the door.

"I'll take those upstairs later," Bill said, turning on the lights downstairs while Isabelle made her way to the kitchen.

"Dinner?" Isabelle asked, looking through the cupboards for anything left that was still good enough to cook with.

"Yes, please," Bill smiled.

Soon Isabelle was making sandwiches, which seemed to be the only option at the moment, while Bill was leaned against the counter beside her, watching her intently. He offered to help but she turned him down, wanting to do it herself. He knew about her recent habits of trying to keep busy as a distraction, and assumed this was one of those times.

"What's on your mind, love?"

Isabelle sighed softly and looked up at him. "Just everything going on right now, with Harry and the Ministry and the Death Eaters. I'll be fine once the school year starts and my mind will be on other things."

Bill nodded in understanding. At least he had been able to go to work to keep his thoughts busy during the day, but all she really had was cleaning Sirius' house with his mother's constant worrying right behind her.

They were both quiet for a few minutes before Bill spoke again.

"I was thinking maybe we could go visit that beach I took you to last year," Bill said.

"Tonight?" Isabelle said, finishing the sandwiches and handing him a plate.

"Yeah, why not?" Bill said as they sat down at the kitchen table.

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