Thirty: Bright Pink & Blood Ink

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The first week of the new school year was relatively peaceful, given the fact that they were at Hogwarts and there was a clear divide between those who believed what Harry says he saw the night of the third task and who was listening to the Daily Prophet.

Of course, Isabelle heard all of the drama and irritation revolving around the touchy subject. Harry had popped in after breakfast before class on the first day of lessons and asked for her advice after he had already gotten into a heated disagreement with some of his roommates, specifically Seamus, over the matter.

At the end of the week, Isabelle was shadowing a transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall for the first time. When the last class of the day was over, a young Slytherin entered the room as the group of students were leaving for dinner and approached Isabelle.

"Professor Umbridge asked to see you in her office," The student said before swiftly making his way out of the room, his head held high just like many of his peers.

Isabelle gathered her things and started to make her way out of the classroom when Professor McGonagall's voice stopped her.

"Be careful with what you say, Isabelle," she reminded her, as if she had not heard the same words from both Dumbledore and Snape numerous times since August.

"I know, I will," Isabelle said.

She hurried down the halls to Umbridge's office, wanting to hurry up and get it over with so she could go home. When Isabelle reached the outside of the dreaded office, she hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door.

"Come in," she heard Umbridge's high pitched voice, and she let herself into the room.

Isabelle had been in her office a time or two before, but it was like she was never prepared for the sight she would see. The room was so dreadfully pink, it hurt Isabelle's eyes, like she was staring into a bright light. Isabelle didn't have any problems with the color pink and usually liked it, but Umbridge's style was simply excessive.

"Have a seat, dear," Umbridge said, her perky voice echoing through the room. "Tea?"

"No, thank you." Isabelle put on a small smile out of natural politeness, and took a seat in one of the plush chairs in front of her desk. "Can I ask what this is about?"

"I just thought we could have a chat. Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" Umbridge said, sipping her own tea out of a small cup painted with matching pink flowers that Isabelle thought she might break by just looking at it.

"I- no, Professor." Isabelle shook her head. "I just thought you called me here to discuss something of importance, since you're missing dinner."

Umbridge smiled that same annoying smile that scrunched up her face and made her resemble even more of a toad as she set her tea cup down.

"Well, as you know, I was appointed here by the Ministry to ensure that things at Hogwarts are all running smoothly and efficiently. While I'm sure Dumbledore has his reasons for your presence, and I have no say over the subject, I can at least make sure all teachers are at least acting... appropriately," Umbridge said.

"Appropriately?" Isabelle raised an eyebrow.

"I'm well aware that you go home every night, Miss Clarke, but for starters, perhaps we should not allow the students to so clearly see that fact?" Umbridge said, using the tip of her wand to push aside Isabelle's shirt collar to reveal a healing mark on her upper chest.

Isabelle blushed deeply and pulled her shirt back to where it was, where it was fully hidden. She had not realized that she may have moved a certain way where it could be seen when she got dressed that morning.

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