Sixty Eight: A Christmas Special (part 2)

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Bill and Isabelle returned to the Burrow later that morning, where they enjoyed a small breakfast with his parents and siblings, as well as Remus and Sirius, who had stayed the night, as they were to have a big Christmas lunch in the early afternoon.

They also got to exchange gifts with the family, Isabelle giving Ginny and Hermione matching jewelry sets for them to wear for the wedding that they loved, as well as the promise to take them dress shopping before the New Year. She gave Harry and Ron their gifts, which mostly consisted of their favorite candies, and that was what she and Bill got in return.

She received an odd sort of perfume from Sirius, but she appreciated the thought and had gifts for him in return. From Molly, she got a new jumper like the rest of the family, and Isabelle apologized that she didn't have the time to make her one for herself, and promised she would get one next year. She knitted a hat for Molly instead, and Molly was still very happy to see it. For Arthur, she gave him a few Muggle trinkets, as always.

Isabelle had gotten Remus some books, and he seemed to have the same idea as she did, because that's what she received from him in return.

"I used to do that with Percy," Isabelle said to Bill quietly a little after the gift exchange was over.

"I know," Bill said, wrapping an arm around her. "At least you'll probably never have to see him again."

Oh boy was he wrong.

The family was currently sitting around the table, now joined by Lee Jordan as well, eating the large lunch that Isabelle and Bill helped Molly prepare.

Unfortunately, Charlie had to return to Romania that morning in a hurry, but he promised he would visit again before the break ended.

When they all sat down, everyone in the family, including Remus, Sirius, and Lee, were wearing their new knitted sweaters, while Molly sported a brand new, dark blue witch's hat that seemed to be covered in tiny, sparkling diamonds, as well as a golden necklace.

"Those are beautiful, Molly," Isabelle said next to her.

"Thank you, Fred and George gave them to me. Aren't they beautiful?" Molly gushed.

"Well, we find we appreciate you more and more, Mum, now that we're washing our own socks," George said, causing a playful eye roll from Lee. "Parsnips, Remus?"

"Please," Remus said, a small smile on his face.

"Harry, you've got a maggot in your hair," Ginny said cheerfully as she leaned across the table to pick it out, making Harry turn a bit red with a blush.

"How did you get maggots in your hair?" Bill asked with a small laugh.

"A gift from Kreacher," Harry grumbled. "Still better than Ron's gift from Lavender."

"She sent you a gift?" Molly asked as Ron turned even more red than before, glaring daggers at his best friend.

Molly knew about Ron's odd relationship with Lavender Brown, but didn't really know about the snogging part. She'd heard about it from Fred and George and confided in Isabelle when she wasn't sure how she felt about this relationship of theirs.

"My sweetheart," Fred and George laughed at the same time.

"How do you know about that?" Ron asked a bit angrily.

They both just shrugged with matching smirks, and Isabelle decided to change the subject to save Ron from further embarrassment.

"I thought you invited Tonks, Molly?" Isabelle said.

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