Sixty Seven: A Christmas Special (part 1)

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November turned into an even colder December, and Christmas was nearing quickly.

As soon as the Christmas break started and Bill and Isabelle were off of work for the holiday, they decided to return to the Burrow, along with Ron and Harry from Hogwarts and Fred and George. Unfortunately, Charlie said he probably couldn't join them, but they were sure to be ready to send gifts and letters to him.

Only a day or two into the break, Isabelle was chatting with Fred and George while they made their way into the kitchen to check up on Harry and Ron, who were supposed to be cutting and peeling sprouts for dinner.

"-Yeah, well, passing over Fred's left buttock-" they heard as they entered the kitchen.

"I beg your pardon?" Fred said as Isabelle suppressed a laugh. "Ahh, George, look at this. They're using knives and everything. Bless them."

"Oh don't tease them, Freddie," Isabelle said, shaking her head.

"I'll be seventeen in two and a bit months' time, and then I'll be able to do magic," Ron said grumpily.

"But meanwhile, we can enjoy watching you demonstrate the correct use of a- whoops," George said, putting his feet up on the table until Isabelle gave him a scolding look and a smack on the leg until he put them back down.

"You made me do that!" Ron said angrily, looking down at the cut on his thumb. "You wait, when I'm seventeen-"

"I'm sure you'll dazzle us all with hitherto unsuspected magic skills," Fred said.

"And speaking of hitherto unsuspected skills, Ronald," George said, "What is this we hear from Ginny about you and a young lady called, unless our information is faulty, Lavender Brown?"

"Wait, what?" Isabelle said, looking at Ron.

"Even Iz didn't know?" George laughed.

Ron turned a little red but didn't look upset. "Mind your own business, George."

"What a snappy retort," Fred said. "I really don't know how you think of them. No, what we wanted to know was how did it happen?"

"What do you mean?" Ron asked.

"Did she have an accident or something?" Fred asked.

"What?" Isabelle looked at Fred, now confused as to what he was implying.

"Well, how did she sustain such extensive brain damage? Careful, now!" Fred shouted as Ron threw the kitchen knife at Fred, who turned it into a paper airplane with a flick of his wand.

Just at that moment and just Ron's luck, Molly Weasley appeared in the kitchen.

"Ron!" Molly shouted. "Don't you ever let me see you throwing knives again!"

"I won't," Ron said, then mumbled something under his breath as he returned to the mountain of sprouts.

"Fred, George, I'm sorry, dears, but Remus and Sirius are arriving tonight and one of them may have to squeeze in with the two of you if Charlie decides to come home, since we only have the one extra room. Charlie just wrote and said he may," Molly said.

"Why can't he stay in Bill's room?" Fred asked, a bit confused.

"Well, there's nowhere else for him and Isabelle to go, unless he stays in your room and Iz stays with Ginny," Molly said. "But I doubt you two would want that."

"Want what?" Bill asked as he joined the rest of the family in the kitchen after spending some time with Ginny.

"You to stay with Fred and George and I stay with Ginny so Remus could take our room," Isabelle said, but gave him a look that he knew to be 'tell her now or I will'.

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