Twenty One: The Other Gift

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*Mature Content Warning*

Isabelle was beyond grateful for finally having some time off with the older Weasleys instead of spending all day working on things for class and preparing for Triwizard Tournament events at Hogwarts. The night she returned to the Burrow had been the best sleep she had gotten in weeks, aside from when Bill woke her up to dance in the snow, but she wasn't complaining.

The following day was the most relaxed she had been in a while. Isabelle sat on the sofa in front of the fire in the living room curled up against Bill's side, talking quietly about Bill's job until Molly chose to join them.

Molly sat on the other side of Isabelle, a large book in her hands and a wide smile on her face.

"Really, Mum?" Bill groaned, already knowing what it was she was holding.

"What is it?" Isabelle asked as she sat up straight and pulled away from Bill.

"It's a scrapbook of pictures of all of my children since they were little. I thought you would want to see it," Molly said cheerfully, opening the cover.

"I don't think she wants to see that,"Bill said.

"What? Of course I want to see it!" Isabelle said, moving further from Bill towards Molly to get a better look. The first page had a mix of both moving and still pictures, just like the rest of the large book, and were just group pictures.

Molly chuckled lightly and turned the page, beginning to point out different pictures to her. The first was of Molly, much younger and face clear of lines that represented years of smiles and laughter, holding the tiniest baby she had ever seen in a blanket with a large smile on her face.

"This was the day Bill was born. I was around your age then," Molly explained. The rest of the next few pages were mostly pictures of Bill as a baby and as a toddler, running around in fits of giggles and messy red hair.

"Aww, Bill, look at how cute you were," Isabelle said, her eyes not leaving the pictures.

"Are you saying I'm not cute now?" Bill gasped in offence.

Isabelle just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to his mother. Molly continued to explain various pictures throughout the book. Isabelle only interrupted again when they reached a picture towards the end of the first half of the book of a young Bill, who looked to be about ten years old, holding a baby in his own arms instead of just standing nearby like the rest of his siblings' baby pictures. He was looking down with a smile, and his hair wasn't nearly as long as it is now but it still hung in his eyes. Isabelle assumed that was when the fight over his hair started.

"Is that Ginny?" Isabelle asked.

Molly nodded. "He wouldn't admit it then, but Bill was the most excited to finally have a sister out of all of them."

"You can't blame me, all I had was brothers for most of my life. A change was needed," Bill said.

Bill had given in by the time they got to the pictures of Charlie, wrapping his arms around Isabelle's waist and peering at the pictures over her shoulder where he was resting his chin.

The second half of the book consisted of family pictures of the kids as they each grew older and started going to Hogwarts. There were first day of school pictures, visits to Diagon Alley, family Quidditch games in the yard, and just evidence of each Weasley child growing into teenagers. They reached the time between Percy's second and third year, and Isabelle spotted herself in some of the photos.

"Oh wow, I forgot about these," Isabelle said.

The first picture that ever contained Isabelle was just after getting their school supplies the summer before she and Percy's third year. Percy was completely frozen still with an odd expression on his face while Isabelle's arms were wrapped tightly around him, a crooked smile plastered across her face.

Say You Won't Let Go || Bill WeasleyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara