Mick Schumacher; part 1 | 41

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"this is my girlfriend y/n"

* Like all of you I don't know how Michael's recovery process is going on. All the things I write in that story are just speculations that are adapted to my storyline. *

It was almost 4 weeks ago when Mick told you he had feelings for you. You've met him at a karting centre and then he helped you with improving your lap times. It was really informal and you talked a lot. You followed him on social media later that day and he followed back, which you had never expected. He already spent some days with you and you both talked a lot about all things except his family and especially not about his dad. You were unsure about how he would react so you avoided the topic and waited until he would talk about it. Today was the morning after he asked you to be his girlfriend and of course you said 'yes'. Mick lay next to you in the bed and woke you up with little kisses on your forehead. 'Good morning my love' he said and you turned around and looked into his eyes with a big smile on your lips. 'Good morning Mick. Do you mind if we stay in bed... It's so comfortable here'. He laughed and agreed. You talked to each other while you lay in this arms. '(Y/N), does your family know about us?' he asked you. 'Yes I told them already when we saw each other the first time and kept them up to date as they always wanted to get to know you. And your family?'.
You bit you lip because you didn't want to cause embarrassment. Mick noticed that of course. 'Hey, (Y/N) it's absolutely okay if you ask about my family. I trust you. And yes, I spoke to them. To my mum, my sister Gina and my dad. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. My mum asked me if you would like to visit them and to get to know them.' You smiled at him as you knew that the private life had a great importance to him.' I'd absolutely love to meet them!' He told you a bit about how his parents met each other and about his sister, too. He also ensured that you didn't have to avoid the topic of his dad even if it was not easy for him to talk about it and told you some memories from the good old days at the karting tracks together with him. As you asked him about his dad's condition he said that he was still recovering from the accident and the severe brain injuries. He sat in a wheelchair, couldn't talk but nevertheless they were sure that he was mentally present most of the time but couldn't express himself yet.

So one day Mick and you drove through the Swiss streets to meet his family. You already knew his sister Gina from video calls but it was a very unfamiliar and unsettling situation as you didn't know his parents yet. 'You're nervous, right?' Mick asked you because you couldn't sit still in the car as he told you the town where they lived was only 10 minutes away. 'Yes I am. To be honest I'm so nervous and a bit frightened. What if they don't like me? Or what if they think I'm just here to spread any information about your father or how to behave in front of him or greet him?' Mick smiled and shook his head while was laughing a bit: '(Y/N) stay calm. Listen, everything is gonna be alright. They will like you for sure... I mean I couldn't imagine anybody who wouldn't like you. You're perfect. And treat my parents just like yours. Be a bit patient and calm with my dad and don't fill your head with 'what if ?'. Just don't think about it too much. When my mum asks someone to visit, she is sure that he or she is confidential. And you are and I love you for that. Otherwise I wouldn't bring you to my family today.' He pressed your hand tightly and you looked at him and smiled.

As you arrived, Gina already expected you in front of the entrance door and smiled. As you got out of the car she first hugged Mick and then turned to you.' Hey (Y/N) it's so nice to finally meet you in person! You're so beautiful. Mum and dad are waiting inside. And don't be scared they'll adore you for sure.' You hugged her, too and smiled. 'Thanks Gina, yes I'm pretty nervous but so happy to meet you and your family!' Mick put his arm on your back and you three walked inside. The house was huge and there were pictures on the walls showing Mick, Gina, Corinna and Michael. Then you walked into the living room where Mick's parents already waited. Your heart felt like if it was going to explode, that nervous you had never been in your life. Walking through the opened door, you saw Corinna closing the window and Michael watching the landscape around the house. 'Hey mum, hey dad! This is my girlfriend (Y/N). I finally brought her with me.', Mick grinned. His mum helped her husband to turn around in the wheelchair and walked towards you. She hugged you and whispered in your ear 'Even if Mick would never admit that, I bet he's more nervous than you. You're the first girl he brought home so he has to be very sure about you. I'm glad he has you and I'm happy to finally meet you in person!' You were touched by these kind words and hugged her again. Mick already stood next to his father and explained him slowly who you were as you walked towards him. He looked exactly like on the photos you saw on the walls and the similarity between him and Mick caused goosebumps on your skin. Michael looked up to you, fixed you with his eyes and you felt like he realized and understood who you were even if you were like a stranger coming there the first time. You remembered Mick's words to treat him normal and just a bit calm so you wanted to extend you arm to shake his hand. But he spread out his arms a bit, trying to show you it was okay to hug him. You understood that gesture and you did so. As he hugged you back carefully and with a smile on his face, you saw Mick's eyes getting a bit watery as he was happy his parents and especially his dad enjoyed having you with them. To be honest, you had never expected such a warm welcome. You joked around with his mum, helped to wash the dishes and already felt like home. Even if his father couldn't talk and only communicated with nodding, he was present the whole time and you felt like he really understood that you were Mick's girlfriend as his eyes often were on you. The atmosphere was really familiar and you enjoyed the day.

As you said goodbye in the evening, hugging everyone again, Mick's father looked into his son's eyes and whispered 'proud' as he was in front of you two. It was really quiet and hard to understand but he said the first word since the accident. It was pure happiness for everyone and Mick wasn't far away from crying as you could see.

Requested by: lovelukeshaw

Second part in the next chapter!

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