Mick Schumacher | 7

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"Would you like to meet my parents?"

Meeting your loved one's parents is an important step in a relationship. It shows that both are really sure about having a future together. You were sure about your feelings towards Mick and planned to invite your partents to have a dinner with both of you. They always kept asking about him and of course they were a bit sceptical at first because he was a well known racing driver who had a family that was topic in the media and newspaper almost every week. You father wrote you just minutes before that he and your mother would be shopping in the town you lived. It would just take some minutes for them to come over.

'Mick, can I ask you a question?' He looked up from his computer, where he had his racing data written down, and sat down next to you. 'Yeah, sure (Y/N). You know that you can always talk to me, no matter about what.' You smiled at him and asked him if he was ready to meet your parents, Maria and Maximilian as they were shopping in town at the moment. 'Sure, I'd love to meet your parents! And I am really sure about you and me so, yes I feel ready for it.' You held hands when Mick continued with sad eyes '... and I'm sorry and a bit sad that I can't introduce my parents... You know the situation at home isn't easy at the moment... My dad's now finally completely aware of what's going on around him but he's now struggling a bit more with his condition... If the situation is better again I promise you I'll take you with me to our home but you don't have to if you find it strange or... ' You shrugged your head and replied 'No Mick! You should not feel bad for things you can't influence. I'm happy your dad is getting better and if the situation is good enough in the future to get to know your whole family, I'd love to.' He bent over and kissed you.

Mick helped you to cook the dinner while you cleaned up the room a bit. Before you had a call with your parents, asking them to visit you for eating an talking instead of driving home already. They were really happy and agreed. As you recognized strong arms hugging you from behind you turned around and looked into Mick's eyes, filled with love. '(Y/N) I rarely tell you how much I'm in love with you. I feel so happy and I'm grateful to have you.' You could just agree and kissed him with all your passion. The kisses got more passionate soon and you started touching each other. Mick lifted you up and carried you towards the sofa where he continued with kissing and touching you. Soon both of you got rid of the clothes except your underwear. Mick started to slide his fingers under your underwear as a ringing bell brought you back to reality. 'Shit! My parents!'

You put your clothes on again as quick as possible and ran towards the door to open your parents. You saw in their eyes that they exactly knew what was going on there and just smiled at you while hugging you. Mick appeared, too and hugged your parents, too. He looked really comfortable talking with them, especially with your dad who was really interested in motorsport, too. You spent hours talking to them and you really enjoyed it until your dad told you they had to leave because it was almost 10pm. You walked towards the door with your mum as she told you how happy she was to see you with Mick. Mick said goodbye, too and your dad spoke some words to him, too. 'Mick, you're a really handsome and polite man. I'm happy to call you my daughter's boyfriend. I can only take off my hat, your parents did everything right with you.' Mick smiled and answered 'Thanks. I know, I really appreciate it to call Michael and Corinna my parents. They are really role models for me. Sorry for that embarrassing situation in the beginning.' Your parents answered that that wouldn't be a problem as they were young, too some decades ago.

Requested by: summer00lala

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