Mick Schumacher | 11, 24, 30, 31

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"shh, you're safe"

"you can climb?"

mountain rescue

You proudly posed for the new FIA campaign called "make helmets safer". You were the ambassador for climbing and skiing helmets, whereas Marc Marquez was the ambassador for the motorcyclists and Julian Alaphilippe the ambassador for the cyclists. And then there was Mick Schumacher who was representing the racing drivers. The son of Michael, the driver you stood up for in the middle of the night just to see him racing. You were nervous because you would get to know him, Jean Todt and Julian Alaphilippe on a more personal level today evening at a dinner in the hotel restaurant. You were really nervous to meet them not just with a professional background.

The dinner went pretty well, all were really kind and you didn't even have to hide your nervousness because it was blown away as Jean Todt shook your hands and told you "No, no. Just call me Jean please. It's alright." Mick and Julian did so, too. As the evening went on, Julian had to say goodbye because of a race the next day. So you three were left. You started talking more and more relaxed with each other and then Jean asked you for the reason why you actually wanted to make climbing helmets safer. He hit your sore point, apoglizing right away after he recognized that. You took a deep breath after deciding to speak about this sensitive topic. "No, I think it's ok. When I was 15 years old... I was climbing with some older friends... Then we heared a loud scream... And..." you had tears in your eyes and it took a moment until you could continue. Jean put his arm on your shoulder and this reassured you. "One of my friends haf an accident... he was hit by some stones falling down... He didn't wear a helmet and died. And we... we tried to save him but we didn't succed. With wearing a helmet he would have survived with severe injuries... And... yeah... Helmets might be uncool but they safe your life." You saw Jean nodding and also Mick seemed to be in his own thoughts until he spoke up. "Wearing a helmet safed my dad's life... Did you climb again ever since then?", he asked you. "Yes, of course. I need to train because of my job at the mountain rescue. But I prefer to save people in the winter because I do not feel the same while climbing anymore since then. I'm starting to panic when I'm lead climbing... " You took a sip out of your glass of wine while listening to Jean's question. "You are part of the mountain rescue? I didn't know that (Y/N). I just knew you were a professional skier." "Yeah, I am. I do it unsalaried. I followed my grandfather's footsteps when I was 10 with starting with the youth mountain rescue and then continuing with being an active rescuer", you continued. Mick looked straight into your eyes. "Your colleagues saved my dad's life. I'm really appreciating that. Have you ever been to the new climbing hall in Geneva? I want to go there with my physical trainer tomorrow... Maybe you want to join us?" You couldn't believe your ears. What sports activities did this man do? Karting, F1, cycling, running, hiking, climbing, playing football... crazy. "Sure I am in, I've never been there but I've heared that it is really modern and huge. You can climb?" He was smiling and nodding as a response. "Let's meet in the hotel lobby tomorrow at 10am then. I'm looking forward to it!", he told you. You agreed and a bit later the three of you left the restaurant.

A few minutes before 10am, you sat in the hotel lobby, waiting for Mick and his trainer. You were really looking forward to this climb today bit you would never get the pictures of your friend outside of your head. You knew that this day wouldn't be an easy one.
Mick was greeting you with a hug before you shook hands with his trainer. It was a short drive to the climbing hall and you were impressed my it's dimensions. It was the biggest climbing hall you've ever been to. You took a deep breath as you were walking inside, well known smell of sweat and chalk in your nose. Mick's trainer was an experienced climber and you really trusted him as your belayer. That's why you tried to push yourself to your mental limit. You wanted to do a lead climb. You knew that this would cause a little panic attack but you wanted to defeat your trauma. You started sweating and your knees were trembling as you were preparing for the route. "Shh, you're safe (Y/N). You can do this. Kai is a excellent belayer, you are an excellent climber and I am an excellent motivator. Nothing can go wrong. Just try it." His funny but serious little speech gave you a big amount of confidence. You switched off you head and climbed higher and higher. At the cruz, you took a moment to rest, and then you continued after hearing Mick's screams "Allez allez!" which was a known expression to motivate the climber and to tell him/her to go on. And you did it! You could reach the top of the route and all pressure was forgotten. You were so happy and hugged Mick and his trainer tightly.

Requested by: JoycePereira2006

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