Mick Schumacher | 24

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"Shh, you're safe!"

Warning: Memories about abuse, but not in detail.

Some months ago you got to know Mick, a handsome, polite and really attractive young man while walking around with your dog. He did so, too and as your dogs met, they suddenly started playing with each other. Mick and you decided to have a talk and had a good time. You stayed in contact as you lived in the same city but never met before. Later, you found out that he wasn't just Mick, a "normal" boy, but the Mick Schumacher, son of probably the best F1 driver the world has ever seen. But that didn't matter for you. You talked only a bit about his career when the two of you had a walk with the dogs. Most of the time the conversation was just about normal things and you could talk hours together without silence. Soon he visited you and you became good friends. In respect to his family you didn't ask about his father and he also didn't invite you to his home but that was absolutely comprehensible. This evening he would visit you again and you had to admit that you were really nervous, not sure about if you were developing feelings for him. You were afraid because you had really bad memories of your last relationship but never told anybody what happened.

The bell rang and you stood up to open the door. Mick smiled and hugged you and you enjoyed that moment. He also brought you a little bunch of flowers, even the ones you loved most. 'Good evening (Y/N) it's so good to see you again! Sorry but I've been abroad in the last few weeks, busy with racing. I hope you like the flowers, my mother told me she was sure you would like them.' He grinned and you let him enter your small apartment. 'I'm happy to see you again, too! I hope your racing went well? And yes, these flowers are my favorite ones! Your mother has a great taste'. He sat down and you brought the food you had cooked. He told you that he had just won the F2 championship and signed his F1 contract three days before. You were really proud and congratulated him. 'Do you always eat that fast, Mick?' you laughed because Mick's plate was already empty while you had just eaten half of the spaghetti in it. He blushed a bit and you couldn't stop laughing. 'Oh.. I'm sorry but I didn't eat for like the whole day and it tastes really good!' You thanked him and decided to watch your favorite movie "Love actually". Mick rolled his eyes but agreed to watch it together with you. He was lying on the sofa, next to you but your bodies didn't touch. Soon you closed your eyes, just for a moment, but you fell asleep.

Then you saw him again. The giant, muscular man who used to be your boyfriend when you were just 16 years old. The man who put pressure on you because he wanted more than just kissing but you weren't ready. Until you gave up. His hands were everywhere. You screamed 'No! No! Please not! I'm not ready, I don't want this!'. You woke up, breathless, with whole body shaking. 'Shh, you're safe! I'm here. Everything is fine' a familiar voice whispered, pulling you into a hug. You started crying, all tears you held back the past years ran down your cheeks. Mick gave you a kiss on your forehead and offered you his help whatever had happened to you. You had a big trust in him so you told him about your ex-boyfriend and what he did. Mick was absolutely shocked and had watery eyes as he heared about what happened to you in young age. You were still lying in his arms when he whispered 'You can fall asleep again, I'll be there on your side if you let me. I'll protect you! And I would never ever treat you like this.' You knew that you were safe and closed you eyes again, knowing he will be here when you had these awful nightmares again but too tired to think about he meaning of his words.

Requested by: lovelukeshaw

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