Lance Stroll | 28

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"I'm so afraid"

You were attending a F1 race with your best friend Lance. When you were younger, you two had a relationship but you couldn't deal with the situation that he's away most of the time and you were always extremely afraid that something could happen to him. The background of that fear was the sudden death of your beloved grandfather, who had always been a superhero for you. He died in a car accident. You talked about you feelings with Lance and both of you agreed that it doesn't make sense if you almost die of fear when be crashes. So you got friendzoned. It was easier for you to deal with the whole situation but it wasn't a solution to run away from the feelings and fears. Deep inside of you, you knew that you had to fight against it or talk with a psychotherapist about that but you couldn't overcome yourself yet.

While hugging him one last time before he went to his car you prayed that everything would went fine. As always you had a bad feeling, but you just hoped that nothing would happen. Then in lap 46 of 58 it happened. Lance drove into the high speed corner a bit ahead of Pierre Gasly. Pierre tried to overtake him from the inside while braking later than Lance. Lance recognized that and braked as late as possible, while still driving straight. But he didn't brake. His brakes failed and he crashed straight into the barriers without delay. Luckily the car didn't catch fire and the stewards were reacting really quickly and ran towards the car, while the racing director stopped the race. As you saw that Lance didn't get out of the car, you knew that something was wrong. You were screaming in shock und started crying. You couldn't believe what you saw. Your tears ran down your face, now it happened again. You had lost one of the closest people again, you thought.

You didn't remember what was going on around you until you were told that Lance was flown to the hospital and that he had been unconscious the whole time. Lance was alive! You were driven to the hospital as his team knew you and he were really close. His father was already waiting for you as he had also seen what has happened. He said 'Hey (Y/N)' and hugged you tightly. He knew about your early relationship with his son and also the reason why it didn't work. 'Lawrence, do you have any news?' you asked him while sobbing. 'Not yet (Y/N). You can stay here with me. His doctor are doing a life rescuing surgery right now because Lance had massive head injuries. Also some broken bones as I know. But for know its the most important thing that he survives.' He lay his arm around you and whispered: 'We all know how strong he is. He'll get through that.' You were just nodding. You had to think back to the time where you used to be in the mountains together with your 'superhero', your grandfather. You finally recognized that you needed help. You almost broke down under the massive fear you had the past years. 'Lawrence, did Lance told you about my fear that something would happen to him?' you asked him. 'Yes, he did. He was always worried about it. Find help, especially now after Lance's accident. It's ok to be scared but not in a way you are. I'll help you to find a psychologist if you want.' He exactly knew what you wanted to know for him. He gave you a number you could call in order to find help and you promised yourself to do so, finally. After some hours of waiting and anxiety, the doctors walked towards you.' Mr. Stroll, we have good and bad news. At first the good one. Lance is alive and the surgery went well, like we hoped.' You and Lawrence took a deep breath. 'The bad one is that he is in the artificial, also known as a medical introduced coma. We don't know yet when he will wake up again because his brain got seriously damaged. But just behave like he could hear you when your in his room, we don't know how much coma patients recognize.

Three weeks later, you were at Lance's bed again, just like every two days. You already made progress in your therapy and it was easier now for you to deal with that situation. All were waiting for Lance to come back. Like every day you spoke to him, telling him what's happening around him and that everyone is thinking about him, even his rivals. 'Lance, listen, you have to come back. Everybody is waiting for you. I'm sure you have the strength to come back. I'm so afraid what would be if you wouldn't. I don't even want to imagine it.' You held his hand, showing him that you were here. But like every day, there was no reaction. You slowly lost your believe.

A week later, he slowly started so wake up again. He sometimes opened his eyes and looked around in the room, seeming to recognize his visitors. But one thing was sure, too. He would never be able again to drive a F1 car. On the one hand side because of the injury he had and the risk that his head would hit something again, on the other side because he would probably never be 100% the same healthy Lance again. But that all didn't matter. Lance was alive and was aware of what's going on around him and you were sure that he will fight for his recovery.

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