Charles Leclerc | 24

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"shh, you're safe"

Warning: memories of having an aggressive father

In the evening you decided to go to bed. Charles, your all time best friend told you that he would watch the movie till the end which would mean he would go to bed in around 20 minutes.

Your childhood wasn't easy and that's the reason why you were living together with the Leclerc family. Your mother died very early and your father was addicted to alcohol as he couldn't deal with your mother's death. He was very aggressive and hit you several times and that really shaped your character. He lost his work and was just sitting in front of the TV the whole day, smoking and drinking. You had to do the whole household, grocery shopping while going to school and acting like a "normal" girl there. But you were afraid to go home every time. You were afraid that your father could hit you again. Charles was the boy sitting next to you for years and he recognized when you weren't alright. He was really caring and you knew you could trust him. You often spent the afternoons with him and his family and this really helped you to forget about the difficult situation at home. As his mother saw the bruises at your legs and arms she acted. She called the youth welfare office and they suggested that it would be the best for you to leave the house. You were afraid to be forced to live in and orphanage but Charles' mother said that you would be her fourth child now and asked you if you could imagine to live with them. You could remember that moment like it was yesterday. Tears ran down your cheeks and you couldn't believe it and you were hugging her for minutes to show her your gratefulness and happiness.

Even if it really helped you and your thoughts could focus on having fun and concentrating at school again, the memories didn't disappear. You still had nightmares regularly, sometimes absolutely bad ones where you woke up screaming, sometimes not that bad ones where you could sleep again afterwards. The Leclerc family was always supporting you and especially Charles, who was like a big brother for you.

This night, the nightmares were here again. You had a pretty bad dream, you lying in your bed and your father appearing in the room, totally drunk and he hit you. You woke up, sweating, screaming and crying and immediately Charles was running into your room, hugging you tightly and whispering 'Shh, you're safe' all the time until you could calm down again. After some minutes you could talk about what your nightmare was about. You told Charles that your father used to hit you several times and that you had a dream about him appearing in your room and hitting you. He had his arm around you, protecting you, and lay next to you the whole night. He gave you the feeling of being protected and safe and you could sleep hours without having a bad dream.

Requested by: kprinc9983

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