Toto Wolff | 16, 19, 62

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"I want a divorce"

"Where have you been last night?!"


Due Covid, many families had to spend their time at home for many months. Some really enjoyed that because they now finally had the fine to be with their family but sometimes it didn't work that well. And your family was one of them. Living together with your husband Toto and your little son Jack, you realized that the dream of a happy family was far away. Toto had an one-night-stand some years ago with a woman you didn't know. But you accepted his apology but not because you could forgive him, no. It was because you wanted to have a 'normal' family for your son who was just one year old back then.

You could remember like it was yesterday when Toto came home very early in the morning after dissapearing in the night, hoping you would still be in bed. But you were already in the kitchen, waiting for him. After looking into his eyes you knew where he had been ladt night. You could se this teary eyes when you couldn't answer your question "Where have you been last night?!". He couldn't find the words to tell you that he had an one-night-stand with another woman he knew from work. You, as an Italian woman with a big amount of temperament, were screaming and shouting at him for hours. You just couldn't believe it.

After sleeping seperated from each other for some weeks, you decided to give him a second chance. Your really missed the feeeling to have him around you and sharing a bed with him. Now, three months later, you knew that this second chance was the worst thing ever you could do. Toto didn't enjoy to be with you anymore, he was working nightshifts just to be away from his family. Even Jack recognized that and was asking you frequently with sadness in his eyes weather daddy didn't love him anymore. It broke your heart seeing him so sad and unhappy. Toto just didn't act like a father should act. And that's why you decided to break up. There was no future and you almost broke down because you always had to think what he was doing at work.

So, one day when Toto was at home again, you told him that you wanted a break up. "Toto, we need to talk." He was looking bored as always while checking the latest news. "Hm, what's up?" You just couldn't believe that he did not even look up from his phone as you tried to talk to him. "Toto! Put away your phone when I'm talking to you. I wanted to let you know that I am really angry and dissapointed of your bevavior, I mean it's ok if you don't love me. But you should love your son, Toto! He is so sad and thinks  you don't love him anymore! Where is the old Toto? I mean, you are so different. It's not the man I fell in love with that is now not even looking in my eyes when I try to talk to him. I... I see no future in us. I want a divorce." Tears were streaming down your cheek, the emotions you captured the last weeks overwhelmed you. "Er...(Y/N). Yeah, I mean you are right. I... I just... I've met this woman at work and... yeah. You know what I mean. But how to tell Jack?" You didn't know what to say. The woman he had an one-night-stand with some years ago was his new love now... You were just shocked. "That's your job to tell him Toto. I'm so shocked, you've changed to much."

Requested by: yayabuckysebstan

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