Daniel Ricciardo | 19

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"where have you been last night?!"

Walking home after a long day at university you looked forward to a calm evening in front of the Tv together with your long-term boyfriend Daniel. You never had big fights and you trusted him your life. Even if he was away a lot because of his job as a professional racing driver in F1 you both spent as much time as possible together.

With a big smile on your face, you opened the door and stared into your boyfriend's eyes and he immediately gave you a long kiss and hugged you tightly. "(Y/N) I'm so happy to see you again. I've missed you so much." "Daniel I love you and I have missed you a lot, too." After the two of you ate dinner and enjoyed a relaxed evening in front of the Tv, you decided to go to bed. Daniel wanted to watch the midnight news but told you that he would go to bed soon, too. As you lay in bed, you tried to keep your eyes open but you soon fell asleep. As the first sunbeams came into the room, you woke up and saw that the other side of the bed was empty. You stood up, anger filling your body because you didn't know what Daniel did last night.

Daniel was sitting at the sofa, pale face, lokking like he didn't sleep a second the whole night. "Daniel, tell me! Where have you been last night?! Did you sleep with another girl or what?" He looked into your eyes with shock. "No! Believe me! I was here the whole night but I did not sleep a minute. But I didn't want to wake you up." He looked so sorry and you knew that he would not cheat on you. "Dan, I'm sorry, I..." You couldn't look into his eyes and just kept starring on the ground. Daniel put his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look into his eyes. "(Y/N), you're the love of my life! I would never ever cheat on you. I couldn't sleep because... You know about my parents don't you? And my mum, she's not alright. She had an accident while biking, but yeah it's just a broken arm but... It was like hours until I got the information that nothing worse happened. But yeah that's why I didn't sleep last night. I'm sorry but yeah... I'm silly not to tell you." It was a big relief to hear that first of all his mother was alright and second that he didn't cheat on you. Now you could finally eat breakfast and you were sure that Daniel would sleep this afternoon to catch up some sleep.

Requested by: yourgirlel

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