Mick Schumacher | 7, 35

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"Would you like to meet my parents?"

beeing shy

After your boyfriend Mick and you had a great week in Bavaria, visiting your parents, it was time to say goodbye to them again. You two had a wonderful time there and your father and mother loved Mick already like a son. You didn't tell them before that Mick was Mick Schumacher because they always told you not to be a public figure dating a celebrity. But you did. But with Mick it was different because he kept his private life private so almost no one knew about your relationship. The people in the rural area of Bavaria are attaching a great importance to their privacy so you didn't fear that anyone would take hidden photos of you. Mick and you went hiking a lot and rode the mountain bike through the forest. It was just a great time and after you and Mick got hugged by your parents for like hours, Mick drove you home again to your appartment in Munich where you were studying at university. You had semester break but you wanted to calm down a bit before starting into the new semester full of energy again. As Munich came closer you got a bit sad because you and Mick wouldn't be able to see each other for a long time. But you couldn't change it.

As you saw the sign showing that you had to leave the highway, Mick was preparing to leave the highway. But in the last moment you could see him shaking his head and he continued to drive on the straight lane that didn't end up in Munich. "Mick? What are you doing?" you were laughing as you couldn't imagine that he did that on coincidence. "(Y/N), I can not stay at home the next few weeks knowing you're sitting in your apartment on your own. I know it's very spontaneous but... This road ends in Switzerland you know. And... Would you like to meet my parents and my family?" You didn't respond. You were absolutely surprised about that and you never thought about it because you knew that Mick's family usually didn't have any unknown guests. "It's a bad idea isn't it? If you don't want... We can turn around. Sorry it just came to my mind. I didn't want to overwhelm you", Mick asked you with a very silent and shy voice. The same way he asked you to be his girlfriend when you were going out for a dinner. "No, no Mick, it's not like that. I would be absolutely happy to meet them. I just think about if it's ok for your family if I'm there. Maybe you should call your mum first if she is... Yeah if she wants me to be there. I mean they don't know me but I know how important privacy is for you all." The awkward silence was over as you finally spoke out what was in your mind the last minutes. Mick was looking at you with a loving smile, putting his hands on your thigh before he was concentrating on what was going on in front of him again. "I'm sure they would be happy to get to know you. I'm talking about you the whole time and they always ask when I'm taking you with me. But if it calms you down we can call my mum, telling her we are on the way." Mick ginned and he knew that you were out of arguments now. So you agreed and Mick was calling his mum. "Hey Mick, what's up?" she responded after Mick said hello to her. He told her about what you were doing the last days and how beautiful Bavaria is. Corinna just said "Oh dear. My boy has found the love of his life. I can't imagine you sounding that happy ever before. (Y/N) really has a great influence on you! You can take her home with you, we all would be happy to meet her." You had to laugh a bit and Mick couldn't hold his laughter either as you were actually on the way home at the moment. "Oh (Y/N)? Is it you?" she asked. "Yes, it's me Mrs. Schumacher. Actually we are right now on the way to Switzerland. What a funny coincidence." She was laughting, too, telling you to call her just Corinna. Mick told her about his spontaneous decision and you had a great conversation.

Later that day, after you had slept a few hours in the car, Mick told you that you would be in their hometown in just a few minutes. You got really nervous but he told you that everything was going to be alright. He told you that even if his father was so successful and his mum and sister, too, they were acting like a normal family at home. Gina had a boyfriend, too and he hold you about his dog. When you were driving through the street that led into they house your eyes widened as they house was like 5 times as big as your partents' one. You saw the family in front of the entrance door and their big smile on the faces. After some greeting and hugging you wondered why you were so comfortable being there even if you met them the first time because you really felt like home since the first second. Probably the answer was easy: Because you had found that one soulmate in your life.

Requested by: randomhuman193

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