Marcus Armstrong | 33

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As you were living in Switzerland, you had a big passion: skiing. You started skiing when you were 3 years old. Today you and some of your Swiss friends you knew from high school spent a day at the local mountain resort. The group was pretty mixed, beginners and advanced skiers and some even raced professionally. Some were pretty fit and trained every day and others hated to do sports. You were sure this would be a funny combination. You met the others at the parking spots and you got hugged immediately by your best friends Louis and Cassy, who both were your best childhood friends. Louis was a racing driver and Cassy a talented swimmer for the youth national team. And the best thing was that you were on the same level so you could spend the day together.

'Look at this skier!' Louis laughed as he saw a boy who was obviously skiing for the first time at the bigger slopes. Watching others while sitting in the chair lift was the funniest thing you could do. You couldn't stop laughing and decided to follow that skier down the hill. As you got closer he fell and his skies flew away. You three had to giggle but decided to help him. As you stopped next to the boy who was pretty attractive, Louis started to point at the boy and couldn't hold back his tears, that much he had do laugh. So didn't understand why he acted like that but the boy, sitting on the snow solved the mystery. 'Haha very funny Mr. Louis Deletraz' he said in a offended voice but with a big smile on his lips. 'But nice to meet you again, Marcus! So to explain, that's Marcus Armstrong, a racing colleague in F2. And he's obviously a bad skier...' Louis said and you and Cassy shook hands with him.

You four spent some time at a restaurant in the evening and you and Marcus... How could you say that... It was just a match. The sparks flew and the others recognized that, too. After a couple of other meetings and some F2 races, you accompanied Louis and where you met Marcus, too, he asked you out for a dinner at a sea restaurant. It was beautiful there. You sat outside as it was amazing. You watched the sun going down and he touched you the first time. He had his hand above yours and carefully stroke your back of the hand woth his thumb, giving you the chance to prevent it, too. But you didn't. The candles at the table were romantic and a soft music was played, too. You knew that it would happen today. And before you thought about how, Marcus put his hand on your cheek. He lokked into your eyes, asking for the permission to kiss you. And of course you knodded a bit, giving him the allowance. And then it happened. Your first kiss. He put his lips on yours, with a little bit of pressure. You closed your eyes, enjoying every part of second. When he ended the kiss, you hold hands again and he asked you '(Y/N), I know that we met just a few weeks ago but I fell in love with you. I want to be on your side, supporting you, going through ups and downs together with you. If you allow it. (Y/N), I've never asked this a girl before, bit would you like to be my girlfriend?' You had tears in your eyes, his words really touched you emotionally. The only answer you could give him was to stand up and kiss him passionately. And that's how you two got a couple.

Requested by: fraugoretzka

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