Lewis Hamilton | 55

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"are you two dating?"

After two months of dating, Lewis dumped you yesterday. He told you that be didn't feel ready to have a serious relationship next to his F1 career but you couldn't believe that. He was always been keen on telling you how beautiful you are and gave you small gifts but after the few weeks you didn't meet each other he was completely different. Every time you asked him if he wanted to spend time with you, he said "I'm sorry, press conference" or "I need to train to get ready for the next season". You had gone through this with one of you former boyfriends, too, so you were just annoyed and tired of it.

You were curious what was going on in Lewis' mind and you decided to drive to hid house, which was just ten minutes away. As you arrived, you recognized another, unknown car next to Lewis'. You added one and one and you knew that he was cheating on you. You both were just dating before Lewis ended it, but you knew that this excuses were just a silly lie. You got out of the car and were walking towards the entrance door of his house. You doubted a short moment wether you should ring the bell or not, but you had to know the truth.

A few minutes after you pressed the bell, you heared Lewis' voice and footsteps towards you. Then he opened the door and you were staring into well known eyes. You saw how shocked and surprised he was. You was stuttering: "Err... (Y/N), what are you do...doing...here?!" Before you could answer, a female voice was asking "Lewis, who is it?" He wasn't answering. You got angry like you've never been before. "What the fuck?! Lewis, are you kidding me? Are you two dating?" He just responded by nodding his head a bit. You alost went furious. He knew about that relationship you had been in before. He knew that your former boyfriend acted exactly like he was acting now. You just couldn't believe it.

You were running back to your car, jumping in and driving away. You knew that you usually shouldn't drive in that mood, full of emotions, but you couldn't change it. As you drove into your garage, the tears were already streaming down your face and you promised yourself never to date someone again that soon after you first met. You would now need some months to get over it and you were really hoping that someday, you would meet that one man in your life that just made you feel good and happy.

Requested by: hooman_0

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