Lewis Hamilton | 14

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"why did you hit me?"

Visiting the first race of the season was always something special. Especially when your first visit was at the last race of the season this time. Because of the Covid-19 restrictions, you couldn't accompany your boyfriend Lewis to the races like you used to do the years before. Lewis was on the way to his 8th championship, the most special season for him. He could beat Michael Schumacher's record and would be the most successful F1 driver of all time then. But he was struggling with that. It was an immense pressure on him through the whole season and you could really feel his nervousness and tension before the last race of the season. Max Verstappen was 2nd in the standings, only two points behind Lewis. On top of that, Max would start from pole, Lewis next to him. If Lewis would be second, Max would win the championship.

After you had gone back to the sleeping room, Lewis and you decided to immediately go to bed. It was already after midnight when you woke up, feeling pain in your face. Looking into the mirror, you saw your blue cheek and you didn't know what was going on with Lewis. Why did he hit you? Was it on purpose or coincidence? Had he a nightmare? You didn't know. Lewis wasn't the person who was talking about his feelings a lot. So you decided to find some more hours of sleep.

The next morning, Lewis woke you up. He was looking like someone who didn't sleep an hour. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You exactly knew what he wanted to apologize for. "Good morning. Yeah I woke up last night because it hurted. Lewis what's going on in your mind?! Why did you hit me?" You had to know it. "I'm so so sorry (Y/N)! It wasn't on purpose, I didn't even recognize it. I had a nightmare..." You were listening to him carefully, feeling his voice was trembling. He was afraid of the race today and had a bad dream. "Lewis it's ok. Tell me." He sat down next to you and you could see he was fighting against the tears. "I... I was dreaming about today. I lost the championship and Michael was there and he was laughing about me how I could loose that championship while having the best car. And Max was laughing at me, too. Everybody was. And then, Toto kicked me out of the team." He was looking down, tears running down his cheeks. You gave him a tight hug, trying to calm him down. "Lewis, you need to calm down. This would never ever happen ok? No matter if or if not you win today." After a long conversation, you decided to have breakfast before entering the pit lane.

Then, the race was starting. Lewis had a bad start, loosing two positions. But he fought back and after a ten-lap fight against Max, he won the race and also his 8th championship. You couldn't meet him, he immediately ran up to the podium, crying of happiness. At the press conference, where only he was the one who had to answer the questions, one journalist asked him who he wanted to dedicate that championship to. And these words caused you crying like you did never before. You never saw Lewis that emotional and that made you even more emotional. Then, finally he responded. "Aah...I need a deep breath at first. The last days had been extremely demanding. And yeah... I want to dedicate this 8th championship to two people. As I dedicated my 7th one to my family and my parents, this one is for you (Y/N). You're the most important person in my life and without you I would not have made it today. Thank you so much for always being there for me and always helping me through difficult moments in my life. The second person I want to dedicate this championship to is Michael. I still remember watching him on TV and then driving against him. That was so surreal. For me and for millions of other people, he will always be the best of his area. Please don't always compare me and him because I think you just can't and shouldn't. Michael, I can't tell you how much I would have wished to tell you that face to face, but I know you will always keep fighting! Thank you for being my idol next to Senna."

Requested by: Ellielashea

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