thirty five

370 22 3

the burrow

Theodosia stood at the end of the field, staring up at the burrow. She felt unnerved. Lying to her parents, saying she was staying at Hogwarts, but also being surrounded by all of Fred's family who had their suspicions on her family, was quite terrifying. She wasn't sure if she'd be welcomed here or not, but Fred insisted that they were eager to meet her.
She walked up the pathway, leading to the front door, and knocked one simple knock, when suddenly the door opened quickly and she was greeted by Molly Weasley. "Oh, dear! Hello!" She beamed, passing no judgement and automatically embracing her into a hug. "Fred!" She shouted up the stairs. "Are you hungry, dear? We've got plenty of food." She asked, kindly.

"No, Mrs Weasley, I'm alright, thank you." Theodosia smiled, hearing the sound of a pair of footsteps trample down the staircase.

"Theo!" Fred beamed, with George pushing past him, and to the kitchen. Fred leaned over, picking her up with a hug, and then setting her back down. "Didn't know if you were coming."

"Figured I'd leave you wondering and make it a surprise." She smirked, playfully, as he leaned closer again, grabbing her once more, and smirking.

"The best surprise." He told her, before leading her to the living room. Harry and Hermione looked to her almost immediately, and she grew nervous for what they'd say.

"Hi, Theo." Hermione greeted, quite kindly, actually. Harry gave a simple wave and then they walked off.

"I feel like they don't trust me." She whispered to Fred.

"Don't worry about them." He whispered back, before seating himself, and patting the spot next to him. "Come, sit."

"Yes, sir." She mocked, sitting beside him. He stared over at her, admiring her beauty and just the pure sight of her. His heart was full. "What?" She chuckled, slightly embarrassed, as people staring usually meant a bad thing.

"Just taking you in." He smiled, kissing her cheek. She then grabbed his face, pulling his lips to hers, as she let out a giggle. The music in the background filled the air, as Fred lifted her to her feet, holding her in his arms, gently, swaying back and forth to the sounds, happily. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a small box, and handed it to her.

"What's this?" She asked, confused.

"Just open it." He smiled as she lifted the cover off to see a small golden necklace with a tiny purple crystal in the center. "Its a uh, alexandrite crystal. For your birthstone." He said, shyly, slightly nervous for if she had liked it or not. She smiled, looking to him, completely in love, as he helped her put it on around her neck and she then jumped up into his arms. "Do you like it?" He asked.

"I love it." She smiled into his neck. "You know, you make me want to do foolish things, Fred Weasley." She muttered.

"Like what?" He asked, but before she could answer, a loud noise from outside startled them, and they turned to the window, seeing the outside was set ablaze. As they continued to peer out the window, Theodosia noticed her aunt, running off into the field.

"Oh no." She muttered, retrieving her wand from her pocket, and following Fred outside.

"Here." He said, grabbing his sweatshirt and throwing it over her body, pulling the hood up. "Might not do too much, but if they come back, they may be too focused on us to notice you." He told her, as they lifted their wands, preparing for anything that may happen. She looked up at him, grateful that he knew, and accepted her. And he also fully wanted to protect her entirely. They heard a whooshing noise, as they looked up to see Bellatrix and Fenrir bursted through the home, causing it to erupt into flames. Fred grabbed onto Theodosia's hand, pulling her away from the burning home, as George approached them, and they all stared up at the flames engulfing the Weasley's home.

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