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oh, just wait for it

          "Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" An annoying voice filled Theodosia's ears as she looked up, past Harry and her friends, and saw Umbridge and McGonagall walking up the staircase outside of the great hall.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices!" McGonagall shouted, as Theodosia followed the rest of the students to the hall to watch what was going down.

"So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." Umbridge took a step higher as Theodosia crossed her arms with a scoff, looking to see Beverly and Xander standing ahead of her.

"Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods." McGonagall defended the students. Theodosia felt as something grabbed her hand and pulled it up, and she looked to see Fred beside her, pulling her hand into view, and then looking to her, realizing she was one of the students put under this practice of torture. She felt confused as to why people suddenly seemed to feel more at ease and comfortable around her now, because it was always obvious she made most people uneasy, hence why only two people really spoke to her throughout the entire school, that being her best friends. She watched as Fred let go of her hand, and it dropped to her side.

"I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices, is to question the Ministry, and the minister himself!" Umbridge claimed, knowingly. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I had feared." Umbridge took yet another step, and began speaking directly to everyone watching. "Cornelius will want to take immediate action." She continued before excusing herself. Harry turned around, looking to Theodosia.

"Did you tell her?" He asked, trying his hardest not to sound too much like a jerk, but wondering how McGonagall knew.

"No. She must've done it to another student." Theodosia told him, as everyone around them stared at the two.

"That means she's not going to stop." He said to her.

"Yeah, I told you she wouldn't, Harry. I saw this coming." Theodosia confirmed, as everyone around them looked puzzled, wondering when the two of them had clearly gotten so close. Harry looked around at the small gathering of students around them, and then, with Ron and Hermione, walked off, anxious of what was now to happen. Theodosia looked beside her to see Fred still gazing down at her, curiously. "What?" She asked, kindly.

"Are you alright?" He muttered, still eyeing her hand. She looked to him once more and nodded, before walking to Bev and Xander, following them toward the Gryffindor common room.

"Look, Theo, I need to confess something." Bev spoke up, awkwardly, not sure if she was really truly wanting to confide in her friend of what she's done.

"What is it?" Theodosia asked, as they continued walking.

"It was Xander and I. We told McGonagall about what Umbridge had done." She finally spoke, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, you two did what?" Theodosia found herself growing a little irritated by this revelation.

"Theo, we saw your hand. We knew what had happened and we had to. We couldn't let her get away with doing this to students." Xander announced, quietly.

"I see you've found your voice, Xan." Theodosia snapped, suddenly realizing she was being a bit of, well, a bitch. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just that wasn't your business to tell, and Harry didn't want to make a big deal out of it all, as we don't know what the woman's capable of." She finally said, as they walked through the common room, and to one of the couches near the large, cold window.

"We understand that, but Theo, what she did to you two was wrong." Bev told her, feeling a bit of pity for her friend.

"It doesn't matter, alright? It's done and over with. I mean, what more could Umbridge do?" Theodosia smirked. But little did they know all of what Umbridge was going to do.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now