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Theodosia stood near Ginny Weasley, who was practicing her patronus charm. Theodosia looked around at all the students, before finally lifting hers, and saying the simple words of the spell, "expecto patronum." Almost instantaneously, a burst of white came flooding from the tip of her wand, and out came a large Lion, running through the air above them. As the students around, peered up at it in awe and admiration, she felt somewhat accomplished within herself. "Damn, Theo." Fred's voice rang out, as he approached her from across the way. "You know, I'm still waiting on that date to Hogsmeade." He finally asked, casually. Before Thedosia could answer, George appeared, as he overheard this request, and emerged beside her.

"Or you could always go with me, you know." He smirked, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"Shut it, George." Fred joked, as George slipped away from them. "So, what do you say?" He continued, staring down at her with a slight, nervous smile.

"I mean, I don't know, Fred." Theodosia responded, knowing full well if Draco caught them two out and about one on one, he'd run straight to their father, and she'd be in for it. "It's just, a complicated time for me, you know?" She lied, as she felt sorry, and hurt that she couldn't just be herself. And she desperately wanted to go with Fred, but her family really did tend to put a damper on things.

"Oh, uh," but before Fred could finish, a loud rumble caused them all to look from their current doings, and toward the large mirror behind them. The room quieted up quickly, and suddenly, the mirror before them shattered to pieces, and the wall burst into rubble, in an abrupt explosion. Ahead of them, stood Umbridge, Filch, and a few of her little minions, one of those, being Draco, holding on to Cho. Theodosia made eye contact with her brother, and his smirk lowered into a cruel scowl, as disappointment filled his body, but also anger. It was easy to say, Draco was very ashamed of his sister. As they all were led from the room, they knew now, these punishments were just going to get more intense. Draco let go of Cho, and proceeded to grasp onto Theodosia's collar of her sweater, and pulled her down a side corridor, privately, while the other students were sent back to their dormitories.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He demanded, angrily.

"Get off me, you git!" She shouted in a whisper, pulling away from him.

"You know our parents are going to kill you. Remember what father said? Stay away from them! What are you even doing associating with these mudbloods and blood traitors, anyways?" He snapped at her, causing her body to boil with anger.

"They're my friends!" She finally spoke up, finding her voice once more. Draco scoffed, almost as if making fun of her.

"Friends? You think they care about you? You think any of them actually want to be your friend for any other reason besides trying to get at me?" He continued, attempting to make her feel worse than she already did.

"You know, Draco, not everything is about you! No one even asks about you, you prat, and I'm so tired of your self-absorbed, inflated ego. You're a huge reason why I hang out with them. Because I'm trying to stay far away from being anything like you, or our uptight, prejudice family. So how's that for a reason?" She snapped, storming off from him, and to the common room. She felt tears begin to swell in her eyes, and as she quickly tried to wipe them away, for fear that someone would see, she felt herself bump into someone.

"Woah," Fred began, before noticing her cries. "Hey, hey, Theo, you alright?" He asked, pulling her into a tight embrace, and then leading her to a more secluded area within the common room. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's nothing." She lied. He looked down at her, tilting his head, obviously not believing her words. He reached his hand up, wiping her cheek, and then pulling her into another hug.

"You know, you can talk to me if you need to." He said. "I wont pry, but I'm here for you. And you can trust me." She looked up, staring carefully at his face, and before she knew it, the two of them, almost in unison, leaned together, pressing their lips against each others. But before she could comprehend her real feelings for Fred, she pulled away, covering her mouth, almost in shock.

"I'm so sorry." She stuttered, turning her back to him.

"You don't need to be sorry, Theo." He smiled, trying to turn her back to him. But she just shook her head, feeling herself cry once more.

"I don't usually do this."

"Do what?" He asked, trying to sound as sympathetic as possible.

"Cry. I've never cried in front of anyone. I just, I just don't do this." She continued to shake her head, ashamed of herself and not exactly knowing what to say.

"Everyone cries, Theo, it's okay. What's happened? Is it your brother?" He guessed correctly.

"It's my whole bloody family." She finally said. "Look, I, uh, I need to go." She quickly said, and with that, ran off to her room.

The next morning, Theodosia sat in the great hall, writing more lines, and feeling the familiar pain of the stinging sensation from Umbridge's special quill. She glanced up and around the room, seeing Fred, staring over at her, with a sympathetic expression across his face. Even with him experiencing this pain, he hated that she was too. He couldn't deny his infatuation with her, that seemed to come out of nowhere, but especially even more since what had happened the night before. She gave him a saddened, awkward smile, before looking back down at the parchment. Finally, when the time was up, they stood to their feet, and exited the hall. "Theo!" Fred called out, following after her, as she continued back to the Gryffindor common room. She turned to look at him, as he approached by her side. "Look, I know with all these new rules, it makes it difficult for really anything, but I'm just a little confused." He told her, as she looked back ahead of herself.

"With what, Fred?" She tried to be as cold as possible, but he made it difficult.

"I understand your family is creating problems for you. But I know you like me." He said, with a pathetic attempt at being funny.

"Wow." She widened her eyes, and scoffed, before continuing on to the common room, with him following after her.

"No, wait! Theo, just talk to me." He somewhat demanded, following her to her room.

"Fred, please, just leave me alone." She begged, not wanting anymore problems, and somewhat wishing she could go back to not knowing any of them again.

"No!" He demanded in more of a harsh tone, as they walked into her empty room, and she whipped around, staring at him, somewhat angered by his tone of voice. "Dammit, Theo, I like you, too! And there should be nothing wrong with that! Even if we have to hide it, I just want to be with you!" Theodosia had never heard Fred talk with so much determination before, as he mostly was just goofing off and being a trouble maker. She could tell he was more serious than he had ever been, and it somewhat made her lighten up.

"My father would disown me." She finally told him.

"And that's a problem?" He smirked, trying to be funny. She rolled her eyes.

"As much as I despise them, I despise being scolded even more. It was a difficult enough decision to join Dumbledore's Army, but getting with a Weasley, which we all know my father hates your family, would be the final straw." She confided in him, as he inched closer to her, looking down toward her, matching eyes. "Stop." She attempted to halt him from trying to persuade her, but knowing, she didn't really want him to stop.

"But you admit it?" He asked, calmly, as she rose an eyebrow, confused for a moment. "You like me."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes. "I like you, Fred Weasley. Happy?" She then crossed her arms, impatiently.


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