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i am the one thing in life i can control

As the train halted to an abrupt stop, Theodosia looked outside the dark, foggy window to see nothing but black filling the air. She watched carefully out the glass, as the students began to clear out from the walkway, when finally, her and her friends figured it'd be a good moment to leave, as they didn't want to experience the chaotic mess of students shoving past them. As the group departed the train, Theodosia noticed her brother behind her, as he brushed off his black suit, with a smirk to his friends. Theodosia eyed him carefully, observing his demeanor, as he proceeded to act as arrogant as usual. She noticed some familiar faces from her house, climbing off the train in chatter. The Golden Trio. Her brothers envy for them was uncanny, and her fathers hatred for Harry Potter outshined his love for his family. It was a troublesome combination, as her father had demanded that this year, she must keep an eye on the boy who lived, and inform him of anything that he may be up to. And as much as Theodosia wanted to please her father, she also felt it wasn't her place to keep him updated of what her housemates happened to do in their past time, and she had no intentions on throwing them under the bus. "I'm surprised the ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter!" Draco began, as Theodosia looked back to him once again, in utter disgust. "You better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it!" He proceeded as Crabbe and Goyle laughed. Theodosia shook her head, embarrassed of her brothers comments, when suddenly, Harry lunged forward, with Ron holding him back. Draco shuffled backwards a few steps, as Theodosia smirked to herself. "What'd I tell you? Complete nutter." Draco muttered to Goyle, before he approached his sister, as they continued walking.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry demanded as Theodosia gave him one last look, feeling somewhat sorry for the boy.

"What's your problem, Draco?" Theodosia muttered to her brother, who walked beside her.

"My problem?" He scoffed, giving her a sharp look, with a shake of his head. "He's an abomination at this school." Theodosia looked to him, with feelings of discontent flowing through her mind. "I mean honestly—"

"How do you reckon that'll pan out?" She asked, interrupting him, as he turned to her, confused. "You really think others will continue to tolerate your childish bullying of the boy?" She asked him, in all seriousness, as she glanced to Xander and Beverly walking ahead of them, while Goyle and Crabbe stayed following behind.

"What? You're defending him now, is that it?" Draco scoffed, looking down at her, ashamed of his sister's actions and beliefs.

"I'm not defending anyone, Draco. All I'm saying is chill out on the comments, alright? You not only make me look bad, but you make our family look worse than we already do, and to be frank, I don't want to be apart of your messes in which you create, got it?" She snapped as his sarcastic grin, turned upside down, and he sulked off, with Crabbe and Goyle following him away. Even with them being twins and all, she still felt as though she was responsible for Draco's actions. She was always much more mature than the hardheaded boy, and it made her feel like a big sister, rather than his same age, but it was exhausting, to say the least. Beverly and Xander turned to her, continuing on next to her, as they reached the carriages. Theodosia looked carefully over at the Thestral standing still in front of it. She knew her friends hadn't been able to see them, but she could. In a sad way, it was a painful reminder of what she had witnessed not too long ago, and it caused the memories to come flooding back in through her mind.

"You coming?" Xander asked, as he broke her train of thought, and she looked up to them, already seated inside. She glanced once more at the beast before her, before giving it a gentle pat on the snout, and climbing aboard. "You alright?" Xander proceeded to ask, noting the odd expression across her face. She looked to him, trying her best to conceal her emotions, and smiled.

"I'm fine." She smirked, shoving him to the side a little, playfully. "Just ready to eat." She continued as Xander smiled, glancing over to Beverly, who was nose deep in a book placed gently in her hands before her. Here goes just another unexpected year at Hogwarts.

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