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talk less, smile more

         As Theodosia walked through the corridor, heading toward the Great Hall, Beverly and Xander quickly caught up to her, breathlessly, noticing her awkward demeanor, as she glanced down toward the floor, watching her footsteps, carefully. "What was that?" Beverly asked, concerned for Theodosia's sudden outbursts.

"Look, Bev, I dont know what's come over me. I just can't take the hostility of people this year." She shook her head, as they entered into the Great Hall, noticing her brother seated between his friends, enjoying their time being absolute prats.

"I get that, Theo, I really do. I know you're under a lot of pressure and stress from home and your brother and what not, but for real, you need to calm down a bit." Beverly continued, worried for the sake of her friend. Theodosia stared over at her as they took their seats.

"I know. I just, am kind of sick of the way people treat each other around here, you know? It's like everyone's got this negative energy and it feels like I'm just absorbing it all and spitting it back out." She shrugged, pulling her blonde hair from her back, and to her front, letting it hang below her chest.

"I hear ya. But maybe you just need to talk less, and smile more." Bev made one last comment before ultimately dropping the clearly touchy subject, and trying to move on from it. Theodosia looked over at her two friends, who were talking amongst themselves. She could always sense the two of them feeling a certain way toward one another, she just never wanted to call them out on it. Her eyes glazed over their shoulders, as she looked to the outside of Hogwarts through one of the large windows across the hall, when suddenly, a hand landed on her shoulder and she jerked back, startled.

"Sorry." The red-haired boy before her laughed a little. "Didn't mean to frighten you."

"Oh, you're fine." Theodosia smiled slightly, before looking down, feeling a bit embarrassed with herself.

"We heard about Umbridge in class today." A similar voice commented, as Theodosia looked to the other side of her to see George Weasley, smiling over at her.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Fun times." She couldn't muster up the proper words for a response.

"Also heard she was a bit harsh on you." Fred now commented, as she looked back to him.

"Eh, I'm used to it." She shrugged, causing them to wonder what she could mean by that. But they knew she was a Malfoy, and they also knew Lucius wasn't a very easy-going man. So, Umbridge was probably nothing in comparison, for now, at least. An awkward silence filled the air as the twins glanced at one another with a smirk, before looking back to the girl.

"What do you say we escort you to detention?" George asked with a smile.

"Make sure you arrive there promptly and safely." Fred now continued for him as Theodosia looked between the two, confused as to why the Weasley twins were all of a sudden taking an interest in her, but maybe it was because she seemed to finally find her voice by defending others, and she happened to bring some attention upon herself.

"I think I'll be able to handle the five minute walk fine by myself." She said, in a nice way, as the boys smirked toward one another, and then looked back to her, clearly knowing they were going to join her whether she wanted them to, or not. No one could control what the Weasley twins did, the same way no one could control what the Malfoy twins did, either.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu