twenty seven

389 30 0

a trip to hogsmeade

Theodosia read over the letter, during lunch, examining every word, and beaming with excitement, as Fred was going to be at Hogsmeade today after classes. Not only was this going to be more time for her to be able to speak with him, she also was just thrilled to be able to see him. Draco sat beside her, as they had reluctantly invited her to their table for the meal. Well, Blaise had invited her, and she politely accepted, even if it continued to look bad on her. Draco couldn't help but peer over her shoulder, while she reread the letter for a third time, noticing just a few words. He let out a scoff, seeming still disappointed with her infatuation for Fred. "What?" She quietly asked, looking to him, and folding the letter back into her robe pocket.

"You should know what seeing him will do to him." He told her, quietly as the students around continued to eat and converse.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked him, curiously.

"It means, you're playing a risky game by seeing him. When he finds out what you are—" Draco stopped himself, looking around to make sure nobody overheard.

"You just really know how to ruin everything, don't you?" She snapped, standing up, quickly and rushing out of the great hall, frustrated by Draco's comment, but knowing he was right. She just couldn't help but try and make sure he doesn't know, for as long as she can.

As the day progressed, her eagerness to see Fred grew stronger. She was anxious, no doubt about that, but excited. But her intrusive thoughts of being one of Voldemort's followers, was getting the best of her, as she had no idea how she was going to tell her friends, or Fred. She often wondered if maybe it was best for her to just avoid that topic entirely, and slowly distance herself from her friend group, by sticking by her brother's side. But how could she see Fred, without Harry and the others questioning her? It was hard enough hiding the mark on her arm, let alone trying not to slip up of her eventful summer.

As Theodosia walked down the path to Hogsmeade, she glanced around at the crisp fall sight. She was eager for winter, as the holidays were her favorite, but she also knew what was to be done this year, and that really put a damper on things. As she reached The Three Broomsticks, she noticed the boy with bright orange hair standing near the entrance, smiling over at her. She hurried over to him, as he lifted her into a tight embrace, causing all her previous worries to disappear into thin air. "Glad you showed, short stuff." He smiled, setting her back on the ground, and grabbing her hand, leading her into the restaurant.

"Only because you insisted." She joked, smirking up at him, as they took a seat at the small table near the window.

"How's Hogwarts?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's school." She shrugged. "Be a lot better if you hadn't dropped out." She nudged his shoulder playfully, before looking down, trying to hide her fears. Fred noticed this sadness lingering within her, and from what his brother has said, she's seemed to become closer to Draco and his gang of Slytherin's, causing a slight concern for what was going on with his girlfriend.

"What's on your mind?" He said kindly, peering over at her, as she looked back up to him. A feeling of warmth entered her body, and not the good type, but a warmth of nerves and the feeling of being scared.

"Nothing, just been a rough few months, I suppose." She somewhat lied, trying to conceal her truth.

"You know, the wonderful thing of having a boyfriend, is you can tell them anything, no matter the circumstances." He rose an eyebrow, again, reaching his hand out and grasping onto hers, rubbing her thumb with his. She now was at a tough spot, as she could not tell him. He had no idea the severity of this secret and she knows he could never look at her the same. She slowly pulled away her hand from his, setting it on her lap, and sighing.

"Fred, I understand my father is a terrible person, but he is still my father," she tried to begin fabricating her feelings.

"I know, Theo." He agreed, completely understanding, almost making this harder for her.

"But you don't." She finally said. "I'm not who I was last year. Everything that has happened, I can't say that I'm the same." She tried to swallow, but the lump in the back of her throat made it difficult.

"What are you implying, Theo?" He asked, sadly. It grew quiet, and it was so quiet, it was almost deafening.

"I'm not sure." She finally broke the silence, looking up to him as their eyes matched one another.

"Theo, I love you." He finally muttered, feeling himself sink into his feelings.

"I love you, Fred. That's what makes this so hard." She shook her head, looking down once more.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now