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another problem for theodosia

Bellatrix held onto her niece, while also pointing her wand at Hermione, who lay on the ground beside her, defeated. Each member of the D.A was held captive by some death eater. "Let me go." Theodosia demanded of her aunt, who only gripped onto her arm tighter.

"Hush now." Bellatrix sneered, as Lucius approached Harry.

"Did you actually believe that children stood a chance against us?" He asked, glaring over at his daughter, before turning to face Harry, and extending his hand. "Give it here, Potter, or watch your friends die." He demanded, causing Theodosia to grow even more enraged by her fathers actions. She felt ashamed to be his daughter, but proud to be on the right side of things. Harry looked around at everyone, hesitantly, before placing the prophecy in Lucius's hand. As he admired the small clear glass sphere within his hand, a voice broke his concentration.

"Get away from my god son." Sirius's voice beamed, as he punched Lucius across the face, causing him to collapse. The death eaters let go of the kids, and suddenly, members of the Order appeared, beginning to fight relentlessly against the evil within the room. Theodosia stood near Ginny, back to back, while sending spells toward whoever came at them. They then ducked, rushing behind a rock, watching as Lucius fought Harry and Sirius. Sirius quickly disarmed Lucius, causing him to fly back to the ground below and then, without warning, Bellatrix sent the Avada Kedavra curse hurling toward Sirius. Theodosia and Ginny stood to their feet, shocked at what they were witnessing, while Sirius flew off into oblivion. Harry's sobs were deafening. The pain in his cries caused the group of them to tear up, as Bellatrix fled the room. And without hesitation, Harry chased after her. Before Theodosia could go, a hard grasp held onto her arm and she turned to see the dreaded face.

"What are you doing?" Lucius snapped at her, shaking with rage. Theodosia was at a loss for words, and not sure how to respond to him. "You are to leave, now!" He demanded.

"Stupefy!" Ginny shouted, knocking Lucius to the ground. She then grabbed onto Theodosia's hand, leading her out of the room, with the others.

"Thank you." Theodosia said to her, grateful for her heroics.

"Of course." Ginny gave her a faint smile, as they caught up to the other four. "Where's Harry?" Ginny asked them. Ron looked toward an opening down the hall, that led to the center of the Ministry. Lights sparked throughout the room, escalating into the hallway, causing them to become slightly panicked. An explosion rang out, and the six of them ducked quickly, covering their heads. As the Order members were fighting death eaters, and Dumbledore and Harry were fighting off Voldemort. They slowly approached the opening, now noticing Harry laying on the ground, in agony, internally fighting Voldemort off. The six of them stared, carefully, worrying for their fallen friend. Harry glanced up amongst all of them.

"You're the weak one. And you'll never know love, or friendship. And I feel sorry for you." He quietly muttered to Voldemort who was entering into his mind, and then suddenly, Voldemort appeared just as the Minister of magic came in, and then he left, leaving the minister in awe.

"He's back." He gasped.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now