twenty one | part two

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The Half Blood Prince

love doesn't discriminate between the sinners & the saints

Theodosia sat on the window sill in her bedroom, staring out at the garden below her. She changed over this previous summer, in more ways than one. She looked older, and more mature, while she also had many other things occur within her family. She also grew slightly cold, from the pain she endured within her household. Even though she had always been somewhat distant toward others, she has no grown even further away from the magic and happiness within the world. Her head rested gently on her knees, as her trunks lay just beside her, casually waiting to be moved. She heard the door behind her open, and she looked over, unsuspecting. "You alright?" The voice asked, as he shut the door behind him, entering in and inching closer to her, through the moonlit room.

"No." She muttered, looking to her brother, fearfully. "Everyone knows. Everyone is going to assume the worst."

"People only know our father is in Azkaban. They don't know anything more." He assured her, trying to help ease her mind, as he walked to the sill, seating himself beside her. She removed her legs from the ledge, and placed them gently on the floor, leaning her head on her brothers shoulder, gently. "We can get through this." He spoke softly.

"I hope you're right, Draco." She muttered, quietly. They sat in silence for a few moments, just embracing each other as siblings, and acknowledging that they've finally found peace within one another, after so many years of feuds and hatred. "They can't know. Harry, Bev, Xander," she began "Fred." The name caused her to feel a lump form in the back of her throat. "They can't know what is happening to us tomorrow. They'll never forgive me." She looked over to him, as he sat there, unsure of how to comfort her, especially when he still despised the people she associated with, but he loved his twin, and he had to put her first, now, and set aside his biases.

"They won't. I'll make sure of it. Whatever task we are given, I will take over. You don't need this to worry about, alright?" He said, kindly, but also somewhat stern.

"I can't leave you to do it by yourself, Draco." She shook her head, feeling sorry.

"Look, Theo, I don't have a choice, and quite honestly, I'd rather do it alone. Plus, you'll just fuck it up somehow, like you always manage to do." He told her. Normally, she'd get mad at this comment, but she knew he was just trying to convince himself to do this alone. She also knew that he didn't have anyone. He didn't have friends he truly cared for, who were genuine people, or someone he loved, like she did. He was better off alone with this task, whatever it may be, and they both knew that. "I'll see you in the morning." And with that, he left, leaving her to her own thoughts and internal torment.

As she stood up, beginning to get ready for sleep, her owl appeared from outside, flying over to the iron cast pole that hung just before the large window. And in its mouth, held a letter, with familiar handwriting. She grabbed onto it, opening it almost immediately, as she sat on the sill once more. Within the contents of the letter, were the words below,

Dear Theodosia,

How are you? It's been quite a while since I've received a letter, and I just wanted to check in and make sure you're alright. I can imagine it must be hard, with everything going on at home, and with your father's situation. I hope you are somewhat adjusting better since the last time you wrote. I wanted you to know, that George and I wont be attending our final year at Hogwarts, because Harry actually gave us his winnings from the Triwizard Tournament, so we opened up our own joke shop in Diagon Alley. But, I plan to visit Hogsmeade as much as I can this school year, if you're interested in meeting me there? No pressure though.

I've missed you this summer, and I hope to see you soon.

With love,


Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now