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if i see it coming, do i run or do i let it be?

"What did you do?" Theodosia shouted at her brother, as she stormed into the room of requirement, breaking his concentration.

"I dont know what you're talking about." He scoffed, still focused on the cabinet ahead of him. Theodosia grew more angry at this point, as she stormed up to him, grabbing his arm and turning him toward her.

"Don't you lie to me!" She shouted back, furiously. "Draco, what the hell did you do!" She demanded, much louder, with power in her voice he had never heard before. Taken back, he stared down at his twin, contemplating what to say to her in this moment, because the truth was ugly, but she was relentless. He lifted her hand off him, and returned it to herself, agitated that she had the nerve to grab him in the first place.

"Do you even know how it feels to always come second to you?" He shouted back at her, finally letting out his pent up frustration.

"What does that have anything to do with this?" She snapped.

"Do you even get it, through that thick skull of yours, how my life is impacted in so many ways that you couldn't even begin to comprehend only because you're their daughter and I'm just their son?" He continued on, feeling much pain resurface from his past. "I have had to work so hard to prove myself to our family over these years and you're still their priority! Their perfect daughter, whose feelings always are taken into account where as mine don't matter!" He stopped himself from getting even more worked up, as Theodosia stood silently, realizing he had never been more right before, and she felt responsible for that. She was seen as more fragile than him. Like everyone knew they had to shield her as much as possible from the horrors of this lifestyle, but since he was a boy, pretty much a man now, they assumed he'd be just fine.

"I'm— I'm so sorry, Draco." She sighed, feeling ashamed for something completely out of her control. The silence filled the air once more, before he spoke again.

"The vanishing cabinet isn't my only mission, Theodosia." He told her, in a monotone voice.

"What does Katie Bell have to do with anything?" She asked, genuinely.

"She wasn't supposed to touch it, okay? It was meant to be delivered to Dumbledore." He finally told her. She looked to him, cocking her head to the right, concerned and confused. But, she began to connect the dots within her own mind, no need for an explanation.

"You have to kill—?" She couldn't even say it out loud. It was too hard. Draco looked to his feet, feeling an abundance of emotions fill his entire body. He didn't want to do this. Hell, he wished he could have been raised differently, and he may never admit it, but he was truly envious of Harry and his friends and the love and admiration he received from others."Draco?" She asked, as he stayed silent, with no quick witty remarks in return.

"May I please get back to my job now?" He asked, with a slight break in his voice. Theodosia couldn't move. Frozen in shock, and disbelief. But the urge to lunge up and hug him, took over. His hands reached up slightly, as he awkwardly, hugged her back. Siblings for this long, and they haven't hugged since they were toddlers.

"You are never alone in this, Draco. Never." She whispered to him, feeling sorry. "I'm with you through it all. You're my twin brother, my other half, and I will not let you go through this on your own, do you hear me?" She told him, sternly, but kindly, with a sense of compassion in her voice.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now