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her father will definitely hear about this

Theodosia walked down the corridor beginning her descent to Umbridge's office with a scowl across her face. She wanted nothing more than to just go to her room and fall asleep, getting this day over with. To the left of her, Fred and George Weasley emerged from the window sill near the outside of the Gryffindor Commons, and stood themselves on each of her sides, with smiles across their faces. "Really, you two don't have to walk me, I'll be able to manage." She smiled a little.

"You sure about that?" George winked over at her as she rolled her eyes, playfully, still feeling her stomach clench at the uneasiness of the thought of being in a room with Umbridge for however long.

"I assure you, I'm alright." She chuckled slightly, while shaking her head.

"You know, you could always use one of these." Fred said, suddenly, holding out his palm as they continued walking. Theodosia looked down at his hand, noticing the small explosive ball placed in it. "Give this just one throw toward the wall, and BOOM!an explosion of confetti and fireworks." He beamed, excitedly over the invention the two had clearly conjured up not too long before.

"Sounds safe." Theodosia commented, sarcastically, before having a sudden revelation. "Wait a hot second," she stopped in her tracks, as the two looked back at her. "I see what you two scheming maniacs are doing!" She protested, now realizing her prior stupidity. "You're just trying to get me to use one of your little pranks on Umbridge so not only does the blood fall on my hands, but you also get credit for the idea!" She stomped her foot, gently, crossing her arms over her chest. The two awkwardly looked between one another before back to her. "I'm not putting myself more in trouble to boost your underground shop sales." She rose an eyebrow, slightly annoyed, but also finding it a little amusing.

"You've caught us." The two now said in unison.

"It was worth a shot, now, wasn't it?" George asked, rhetorically as Fred nodded in confirmation.

"See ya around, Theodosia." Fred told her with a slight smile, eyeing her one last time, before they walked off and down a side corridor, back to Gryffindor commons. Theodosia continued on, shaking her head with a silent chuckle to herself, as even though they were just using her briefly to try and test out one of their little toys, she still appreciated that they went to her for something at all. Maybe this could be the start of a fresh new image of herself to everyone else.

Harry's footsteps behind her caused her to turn, as he looked to her, with an awkward smile, and she waited for him to catch up. "Wonder what our punishment will be." She scoffed, knowing no punishment could be worse than what her whole life was like. Harry ignored the comment, because right now, he just wanted to express his gratitude for somewhat defending him from Umbridge, and Seamus as well.

"Look, I just wanted to say thank you." He told her as they continued down the hall.

"For what?" She smirked to him.

"You know, with Umbridge and Seamus. I know it probably didn't seem like I appreciated your defense, but I did." He smiled again. She nodded slowly, realizing that maybe Harry was trying to befriend her. Which she found a little odd considering the two didn't have too much of a friendship to begin with.

"Harry?" She questioned as they noticed Umbridge's office just ahead, and he looked to her. "You know I'm not my brother, right?" She let out an uncomfortable laugh. His eyes read what his mind was thinking, as he realized he probably didn't come off as the nicest to her in the past, just based off his personal biased opinions of her family.

"Yeah, I uh, I realize that." He laughed awkwardly, while reaching up and scratching the back of his head gently. "I uh, apologize for treating you as if you were sometimes." He finally acknowledged his faults in behavior.

"Don't worry about it. I just wanted you to know that Draco and I have different viewpoints on practically everything. So don't think I'll be running back to my father with everything." She told him, mocking her siblings choice of words. He nodded, grateful that he found comfort in a potential new friend, and then he reached up, knocking gently on the office door.

"Come in." The voice from inside chirped as the two glanced over at one another with a common eye roll, and entered the room. Immediately upon sight, Theodosia noticed the bright pink walls and dozens of plates with moving cats upon them. She felt repulsed by the gaudy decor and she definitely wasn't thrilled to have to look at this for the next hour or so. "Good evening Mister Potter, Miss Malfoy." She greeted in her fake nice voice, as the two stared over at her. "Well, sit." She demanded with a creepy smile. They looked to one another once more and made their way to the desk and seating themselves in the two chairs before it. "You both will be doing some lines for me today." She told them, proud of herself. The two began to scramble around, trying to find their quills, when she stopped them suddenly, handing them her own. "Not with your quills, but with mine." She smiled down eerily at Theodosia, who couldn't help but glare up at her.

"Why yours?" Theodosia asked, questioning the pink woman's authority.

"Because I said so." She told her, feeling more distaste for the young Malfoy daughter. "Now, I want you, Mister Potter, to write 'I must not tell lies'." She peered down at the boy. "And for you, Miss Malfoy, 'I must be respectful'." She chirped to the two, as they glanced at one another, yet again.

"How many times?" Harry asked, as Theodosia stared down at the parchment before her.

"Let's say, until the message sinks in." Umbridge told him.

"So you expect us to write with no ink?" Theodosia commented, still clearly not understanding what being respectful means, but she didn't care.

"You wont need any ink." Umbridge stated, simply, before turning her back to them and staring at her cats on the wall ahead of her.

"Cause that makes sense." Theodosia muttered so quietly, only Harry could hear her. They then looked down, and began to write the words onto the parchment in sync.

'I must be respectful'

Theodosia stopped herself as she felt a stinging pain on her right hand, and she looked to see the words clearly appearing upon her flesh. She looked to Harry, who was now grunting in pain, and noticed his left hand was doing the exact same. "This is sadistic!" Theodosia stood from her seat, in anger, facing Umbridge, who just continued to have that same look upon her face. Harry looked down at the quill and then to Theodosia, completely shocked at what was happening.

"I hope this will teach you both to learn respect and honesty." She told them, as Theodosia looked between her and Harry, furious beyond belief. This would have been a perfect time for a comment about how her father would hear about this, but she wasn't Draco, and he most definitely wouldn't be hearing of it. "Now go on." Umbridge told them, as Harry stood up, and Theodosia began to storm out, in a fit of rage.

"Theodosia, wait up!" He chased after her.

"I mean who does she think she is?" Theodosia shouted, as they quickly hurried back to the Gryffindor common room. "Isn't this considered a form of torture? How the bloody hell is this being allowed?" She continued on.

"Theodosia, don't make a big deal out of it. She works for the Ministry. She can get away with a lot more than we'd like to think." He told her, trying to calm her down, as they turned down another corridor.

"She's a monster." Theodosia said to him. "And I'm sorry, but we can't let her get away with this! Who knows who else she could do this to!" Theodosia whispered, still angry, as they approached the common room door. Harry looked to her, noticing her passion, but also knowing full well, that she was right. This couldn't happen to others. "We have to do something, Harry." She insisted.

"There's nothing we can do, Theodosia." He responded back, before they entered the common room, closing the door, quietly, behind them.

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