thirty two

348 23 5

someone under stress, meets someone looking pretty

Fred stared at Theodosia, after she had just confessed all of the truth she had kept from him for quite some time now. He was at a loss for words, to say the least, but his love for her overcame his fear. The only thing she left out, was their missions. That was one thing she couldn't risk getting out. All that he knew, was Draco and her were now death eaters, and for now, that's all he needed to know. "Please, say something." She begged, wiping her tears from her cheeks. "I understand if you hate me. I hate me too."

"I don't hate you, Theo. I could never hate you. I just have a lot running through my head right now and I'm actually, very confused, I suppose." He claimed, looking at the ground. Her eyes shot over to him, as tears begin to fill them up once more. He was now in shock, and she totally understood that.

"So, what's going through your mind?" She asked, hesitantly, not sure if she wanted to really know.

"Well, one thing is that I love you. And nothing will ever change that." He told her, still not looking over her direction.

"But?" She knew there was more.

"But, I think I just need a little bit of time to process all of this. It's a lot to digest." He finally looked to her. The tears began to stream down, as she looked toward her lap, feeling this could be their end. He noticed this behavior, and reached forward, pulling her head into his chest, and holding her tightly. "I'm not going to tell anyone, and I do love you." He spoke, feeling himself, too, now cry. She then backed away, as he stood to his feet, grabbing the invisibility cloak. "I should head home, as it's late. But I'll be back, okay?" She nodded, not knowing what to say, and refusing to make eye contact. Fred now bent down, lifting her chin in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "I promise." He assured her, with a slight smile.

"Okay." She choked out, before he kissed her forehead, and left. Theodosia, at this point, felt numb, as she climbed under the duvet, and stared at the wall across from her. She heard Beverly return, but stayed in her position, not wanting to get into details of what she had just confessed, and then the two eventually fell asleep.

As the days progressed, and she hadn't heard from Fred, Gryffindor played against Slytherin in quidditch, and the win for Gryffindor was exciting, but the party afterwards, was even more so, for most of the students. As Ron was cheered on, and the party beamed with excitement, Theodosia found herself in the corner, drinking the rest of the beer in her cup, and watching her peers around her. Theodosia wasn't really a party type, but she enjoyed the people watching, and it beat moping around in her room. She watched as suddenly, Lavender grabbed onto Ron, and began kissing him. Theodosia looked past them to see Hermione's smile, quickly fade into a hurt expression, as she stormed off, with Harry following.
"For you, m'lady." A familiar voice rang from behind her, as she turned to see Fred standing there, handing her a new cup of beer.

"Thanks." She smiled toward him. "I'm surprised you showed." She told him, just loud enough over the music for only him to hear.

"Home life got a little boring, so figured why not." He shrugged, as they both knew he really just wanted to see her.

"Let's hope none of these kids report you for being here."

"No, they won't. Everyone loves me." He joked, but to be honest, he wasn't wrong. "Would you like to go talk?" He asked her, cooly, and she agreed, following him up to her room. Shutting the door behind him, Theodosia was restless, and anxious.

"Look, I know what you're thinking, and I'm sure that the past few days this has been the only thing on your mind, but,"

"Theo, I—"

"I promise you, I wanted no part of this! I don't want to be the stereotype of my family. I was the difference. I was a Gryffindor, and proud, and I was kinder to people, or at least I tried to be—"

"Theo," He tried to speak over her, but she was too determined to plead her case.

"I'm not my brother! I mean, I love my brother, but I'm not like him!"

"Theodosia, I know!" He said a little louder, finally, just to get her to stop rambling on. "I know, okay? You had no choice. You've even said that you haven't even done anything, and even if you had, I wouldn't judge you for it. You were forced into this. What were you going to do? Say 'no, Voldy, I don't want to.' And then be killed? Trust me, I know you didn't want this." He insisted, helping her see he wasn't upset or disgusted by her.

"How can you not be mad?" She sat beside him on the bed.

"Do you want me to be?" He laughed, attempting to make light of the situation. "Look, I'm not mad based on this. Now, go and snog some Hufflepuff from Herbology, and yeah, I may be, but no, not this." He grasped onto her hand, tightly, letting her know it would all be okay. Theodosia quickly moved forward, pressing her lips against his, and wrapping her hands behind his head. Pushing him back on the bed, she lay nearly on top of him, beginning to pull his shirt off. "Hey, hey, slow down. You sure this is an okay time? I don't know if you're just being reckless now?" He questioned, wanting her full approval and consent.

"Shut up." She laughed a little, knowing she may as well try to make the best out of her life for as much longer as she would be able. Fred was her comfort, and the only time she felt a sense of home was within his arms. She'd been wanting this since she had first met him. She leaned forward, kissing him again, as he eventually pulled up her shirt as well. Leaning her on her back, he placed himself in between her legs and the two of them felt all the stress from the real world drift into oblivion.

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