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just you wait

As the days turned into weeks, the torment grew unbearable from Umbridge. As the group, now known as Dumbledore's Army, met nightly practically, in the Room of Requiremnt which Neville had discovered. And they practiced what was now forbidden, defensive spells. Theodosia looked across the long hall of the room of requirement, facing off with Fred. The two positioned themselves carefully, as they lifted their wands in unison. "Don't fret, Theo, I wont hit you too bad," Fred began when suddenly, Theodosia spoke.

"Stupify!" She exclaimed, sending the spell straight at him, causing him to fly backwards. George let out a roaring laugh, as he looked between the two, and Fred stood to his feet, not even feeling embarrassed, but more or less, proud of the girl he'd befriended.

"Alright, I underestimated you." He laughed as he approached her.

"I guess you did, Weasley." She smirked over at him, jokingly. He stared over at her, beginning to say something, but before he could, a voice interrupted. 

"Alright, well that's it for this lesson. We wont meet up until after the holidays, so try to enjoy your break." Harry exclaimed as the kids began to exit the room.

"Hey, Theo, wait up." Fred called out, chasing after Theodosia, who had just begun to leave. "What do you say after break we maybe get some butterbeer or something down at the Three Broomsticks?" He conjured up the guts to ask her, what he had been wanting to ask for weeks now.

"What, like a date?" She smiled slightly, as they began walking down the hall of Hogwarts, and she noticed Xander and Beverly waiting up ahead, curiously, as even though they had no idea of Dumbledore's Army, they just assumed she joined a club. They often, didn't questioned what Theodosia did in her free time, as she was more of an introvert than anything.

"I mean, if that's what you'd want to call it." He smirked now, feeling a bit of warmth fill his cheeks, causing them to turn red.

"That'd be fine." She responded, trying to not seem too eager. "I suppose." She rolled her eyes at him, playfully.

"What're you doing for the holidays, anyways?" He continued on, now about to ask . her yet another question.

"Uh, my parents actually want Draco and I to come home, sadly." She looked down, as she hated discussing her family, considering she really just hoped people would forget who she belonged to, and focus more on who she was as a person, than who her name represented.

"Oh, bummer. A bunch of us, like Hermione and Harry are meeting up with my family at the Black house, so I was curious if you'd like to join, actually." Fred now scratched the back of his neck, hoping she'd say yes, even though that was just a small chance.

"Yeah, my parents would never allow that." She muttered, feeling embarrassed, and restricted on things she was able to do, and hanging out with the Weasley's was definitely not on the list of approval. Fred knew that, and he knew how vile Lucius Malfoy tended to be, but surprisingly, he never judged her, like most people at Hogwarts did. But he knew, she was not her family, and she was kind, and mysterious, but in a way that kept him wanting to know more. She held a certain warmth to her that many people hadn't, and Fred recognized that almost immediately at the beginning of this year.

"Eh, that's alright." He swung his arm around her shoulder, noticing her body stiffen with the talk of her parents. "We have all the time when we get back to Hogwarts." He smiled down at her, as she felt herself finally ease up.

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