twenty six

431 22 6

what to say to you?

When morning came around, Theodosia looked to see Beverly had already gone to breakfast. She slowly crawled out of bed, not entirely wanting to, and got herself ready. As she exited the Gryffindor entrance, she noticed a few people waiting for her nearby, looking uninterested. "Hey, Theo." Blaise greeted with a cheeky smile.

"Hey." She responded looking between them all, realizing Blaise was the only one seeming eager to see her, whereas Pansy looked annoyed, and Draco seemed to just be deep in his thoughts within his own depressive world. "Do you guys have potions too?" She proceeded to ask, kindly.

"Why do you think we're waiting here?" Pansy rolled her eyes, before beginning to walk off, ahead of them.

"You'd think for someone being in love with Draco all these years, she'd at least be kind to his sister." Theodosia commented to Blaise who let out a little laugh. They made their way through the scattered and crowded hall, to Slughorns classroom. Not many people were there just yet, so the four of them stood near the side, making Theodosia slightly out of place having been the only Gryffindor in a small sea of Slytherin. Hermione glanced over at her briefly, before returning her eyes back to the professor.

"Welcome class, oh, Harry my boy, I was just beginning to worry." Slughorn said, noticing Ron and Harry walking in just a minute late. "Go on, grab a book." He instructed them as they walked over to the cabinet, rummaging around. "Now, can anyone tell me what this potion is?" Slughorn proceeded.

"Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world." Hermione told him, while stepping closer to the brewing cauldron. "It smells differently to each person, according to what attracts them. For example, I smell freshly mown grass and parchment and spearmint toothpaste," she stopped herself and hurried back to her place in the crowd of students. The girls grew closer, as Pansy inched by Theodosia's side, following the scent trail. As Theodosia could smell it from where she was standing, she noticed hints of chocolate, new books, and the smell of the outdoors and the lake outside Hogwarts. She knew immediately who this reminded her of, as Fred and her had enjoyed their time near that lake last year. Slughorn quickly closed the lid to it, snapping everyone from their thoughts.

"Love potions." Draco scoffed, quietly while rolling his eyes. "Pathetic, this is what we're spending our time on."

"What? Draco Malfoy, scared of some love?" Blaise commented, with a smirk, causing Theodosia to smile to herself, finding the comment humorous.

"Shove it, Blaise." Draco snapped back.

As the class progressed, Theodosia stood in between Draco and Blaise, brewing the living death potion. Everyone seemed to be doing terribly, as Seamus accidentally set his hair on fire, causing Theodosia to chuckle a little, considering their argumentative past. "Merlin's beard! It's perfect!" Slughorn began, as they looked up to see Harry had already made the perfect potion.

"Of course." Draco mocked, annoyed that Harry always seemed to excel with everything he did.

"Jealous, are we?" Theodosia joked with him, causing him to become a little irritated, and hesitant to letting her hang out with him again, but Blaise found himself laughing at her remark. Now, if it wasn't obvious by now, Blaise was seeming to take fancy to Theodosia, but she was a little too blinded by her love for Fred to notice that, and she was just happy he was being nice to her.
As Slughorn handed the Felix Felicis potion to Harry, the students clapped, defeated. When class let out, Theodosia decided now could be a good time to speak with him, as they hadn't yet. "Harry, hold up!" She called out to him, leaving her brother's side. "How are you?" She asked, finally.

"Fine. How are you?" He asked back, feeling a little hesitant with her at this point.

"Five by five." She smiled, meaning she was perfectly okay, which was obviously not true.

"I see you and Draco have made up, then?" He asked, curiously.

"Uh, yeah. Summer did our sibling bond some justice, I suppose. But he's still a prat." She rolled her eyes, playfully, while following him to the common room. "Um, how are you holding up with everything that went down?" She pried.

"I'm alright. And you?"

"Hanging in there." She nodded, feeling this small talk was a bit uncomfortable and awkward.

"Fred spoke of you a lot before we came back to school." He told her, trying to see her side of their relationship.

"So I've heard. Uh, it was a little complicated with my father, as even though he, uh, was sent to Azkaban," she whispered, "I had to be careful on who I wrote to. It was a bit challenging." She told him, trying to prove she still was on their side, as Fred was possibly most important to her now.

"Well, I saw your owl in the Owlery. Their seemed to be a letter." He told her as she stopped walking, growing somewhat excited. He smiled to her, and she went off, to the top of the West castles tower, to the Owlery, just to find he was correct. There was a letter, from Fred.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora