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if you stand for nothing, what'll you fall for?

Fred stared over at Theodosia, as she sat in the common room, with her trunks placed below her feet. She felt nervous for going home, as her parents now knew where her loyalty stood, and that was going to create many problems, and Fred knew that. He couldn't find the right words to say to her, as they sat there silently, unbothered by the students gathering their things to leave. "This summer's going to be long." She said, quietly, breaking the silence.

"You're welcome to visit the Burrow if you ever want to." He told her, comfortingly, while grasping onto her hand.

"Yeah, I'll try to." She smiled over at him, knowing full well, she wouldn't be able to escape the claws of her family. She stared down at his fingers wrapped around hers, and then back to him. "We should probably get going." She told him, as the two stood up, and began walking.

As they walked outside, to the train, behind Harry and the others, Fred held onto her hand gently, staring down toward her occasionally, constantly wondering what was going through her mind. He was smart enough to know this would be the last time he'd see her for a while. And as much as that thought pained him to think, he had to admit it to himself, that this was the downfall of dating a Malfoy.

Theodosia knew things at home were going to be rough, and not only with her parents, but Draco as well. Considering he gave her absolute hell all year, and brought her to Umbridge to get practically tortured, Theodosia despised him even more, now. These next few months were going to be the worst of her life, and she was absolutely terrified. She looked to Fred, as they sat on the train, and contemplated just going to his house, as she knew his family was kind, and they'd take her in, in a heartbeat. But, her family would stop at nothing to find her, and Draco would lead them straight to her hiding spot. "Fred," she spoke up, as George spoke with a sixth year across from them.

"Yeah?" He smiled to her. She stared for a few moments, feeling her lips curl into a smile, and leaned her head against his chest.

"Nothing." She continued, closing her eyes and imagining that this, is what true peace and serenity felt like, and she hadn't wanted to waste anymore moments.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant