one | part one

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Order of the Phoenix 

there are moments that the words don't reach

Many people often contemplated why Theodosia was sorted into Gryffindor her first year at Hogwarts. Most assumed she asked, no, demanded, that she be placed there to spite her parents. But that was false. In fact, when she heard the word Gryffindor come from the hat above her head, she felt terrible. Her gut wrenched as she stared over at her brother, who was glaring her way, in utter disappointment. It was one thing that definitely caused more friction between the two of them, and even worse, her parents, Lucius and Narcissa. It was almost as if right then and there, Draco became the favored child, and she looked to be a traitor. But once she began to meet others of her house, she grew content with the situation, and eventually found love for it all.

Being a Malfoy, never felt like a good thing to her. She would always watch as her brother would boast on about their father and brag on all the things they've gotten handed to them on a silver platter, and she despised all of it. But more so, she despised the rumors of how she'd eventually be— like them, and she had no intentions to ever be what they were, but sometimes fate and destiny hits you like a brick wall, and there's nothing you can do to stop it, except try. So she found herself breaking the chains of her confinement of the hatred and bigotry her parents spent so long ingraining into her head, and has come out better than the rest of them, at least she hoped. She knew there was much more to learn on the aspects of acceptance, but being best friends with a muggle-born named Beverly Rose, has assisted in her transformation to becoming better.
Beverly on the other hand, felt confident in who she was. Even with the taunts and slurs of being a mudblood, she felt as though she was special. Because imagine being born to a non-magical family, and then all of a sudden you possess these magical abilities? It was immaculate. The only thing was, she really despised Hermione Granger, who also was a Gryffindor, but a complete know it all. And it drove Beverly insane.
Their other friend, Xander Bean, was a half-blood. He grew up with a pretty stable environment, and a happy life. His parents weren't rich nor poor, but comfortable. And he liked it better that way, as love flowed through them and into him, causing him to be one of the most lovable guys you could ever possibly meet. Even if the two girls grew annoyed at times with his constant questions, and goofing off, they loved him anyways.
Nothing could separate the three of them, and it made Theodosia feel overjoyed from the love she's found with others.

"Theo?" A voice asked, as she walked down the platform, with her brother beside her. She turned quickly, noticing the boy behind her, and smiled. Draco, though, just proceeded to roll his eyes at the sight of the half-blood before him, as he couldn't even comprehend how Theodosia could be friends with any of house Gryffindor, especially blood-traitors and mudbloods.

"Piss off, Bean." Draco spat at the boy, who began to grow uncomfortable. Theodosia looked to her smug brother, practically staring into his soul, before hitting him in the arm.

"Just get on the train, Draco." She rolled her eyes in return, leaving his side, and walking over to Xander's. "Sorry about him. He still obviously is exactly the same as usual." She scoffed, looping her arm through his.

"Figures." Xander commented, as the two climbed aboard, entering the cabin. "You see Bev yet?" He asked her, as they walked down the isle of the train. Theodosia shook her head, as the two looked around the compartments, trying to spot her.

"Assuming she's already somewhere on here. Probably making friends with first years." She joked, as Beverly was actually a very social person, despite her looking as if she hated everyone who spoke to her. Xander and Theodosia continued walking, until they finally found an empty compartment, and hurried in, taking their seats. It didn't take long for Beverly to find them, and once she did, she joined them right away, with a smile on her face, and seating herself beside Xander.

"Hey guys, sorry, I was just making sure some of the first years were situated." She told them, happily, as Xander and Theodosia gave one another an 'of course' look, as they let out a little laugh. "What?" She asked, adjusting her position.

"Nothing." Xander smirked, as Beverly rolled her eyes with a smile. Theodosia glanced out the window, pondering on how this year would turn out, and hoping that just maybe, it'd be better than usual.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum