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who really cares what the daily prophet says, anyways?

Beverly, Xander, and Theodosia entered into the Gryffindor common room, just a few minutes after everyone else had. And what they entered in on, seemed to be drama filled and intense, as Seamus stood, facing off with Harry in the center of the room, with everyone around them, watching intently, and Theodosia quickly gathered what was happening. "My mum almost didn't let me come back this year." He told Harry, as Theodosia glanced around at everyone. "Because of you." He continued as Theodosia couldn't seem to contain her prominent eye roll. "The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you and Dumbledore."

"What? And your mum believes them?" Harry grew irritated, and Theodosia could sense that, but it was definitely warranted.

"Well, nobody else was there the night Cedric died." He said, quickly, as Theodosia scoffed, quite loudly.

"Well, I guess you should read the Prophet then, like your stupid mother." Harry blurt out, causing Theodosia to let out a short, but somewhat loud laugh. Seamus looked to her, as a sarcastic grin was plastered across her lips, and she tried to cover it with her left hand.

"Think this is funny, do you?" He asked her, angrily.

"I think it's childish." She responded, dropping her crossed arms to her sides, as Harry glanced over at her, sort of in a thankful manner, but also seeming confused, as Theodosia usually was pretty quiet and reserved. Seamus huffed a little, before turning back to Harry.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother!" He began toward him once more, disregarding the girl's comment.

"How? The same way you're talking about him?" Theodosia just couldn't contain herself at this point. It was no secret that people didn't take too kindly to her, as she was a Malfoy, and didn't hold back when it came to insulting others who were being rude, but at least she stood up for what she had believed in.

"Just stay out of it, Malfoy." Seamus held his hand up, in attempt to silence her, but only causing her to grow more infuriated, as she stepped forward, clutching the wand in her robe pocket, discreetly.

"Don't call me that." She muttered, before continuing. "How do you expect people to stay out of it, when you're causing a bloody scene in front of everyone?" She asked, stepping forward again, just a little more, as the entirety of the Gryffindor house watched, eager to see what more would happen, in anticipation.

"What's going on?" A voice asked, as they all turned to see Ron Weasley, entering in.

"They're mad, is what's going on!" Seamus shouted, pointing over toward Harry and then Theodosia. "I mean, do you really believe the rubbish he's come out with about you-know-who?" He asked Ron about Harry and Theodosia felt her body sulk back, as she knew the rubbish, wasn't really rubbish, but an honest truth that not many people knew.

"Yeah, I do, actually." Ron stated, in Harry's defense. "Has anyone else got a problem with Harry?" Ron asked, as he glanced around the room, and watched as people's eyes cowered downward. Harry then turned away, walking up the stairs, with Ron following close behind. Theodosia at this point, was still fuming, as she began to approach Seamus, before Beverly grasped onto her arm, tightly.

"He's not worth it, Theo." She whispered, as Theodosia looked toward Seamus, and he glared back at her. The room still sitting eery with silence and uncomfortable stares. Theodosia shook her arm gently from her friends, and approached Seamus, hastily.

"You get off on putting others down or something?" She asked, as his eyes glared down at her, considering Theodosia was total opposite of Draco, being her height was only at a mere 4'11. "My name is Theodosia. You will only refer to me as Theodosia, got it?" She snapped at him, noticing the familiar face seated behind Seamus, smirking up at them. Seamus nodded gently, before storming off. She looked down at her feet, and then back up at the two, tall, redheaded Weasley boys in her view, who continued to stare at her with slight smiles on their faces.

"Anyone else have something to say?" She called out, not being able to stop. But with everyone believing Harry was a liar, and she was supposedly evil, she found she had something in common with him, and at this point, she was just fed up.

"Come on, Theo." Beverly suddenly appeared beside her once again, with Xander, and the three of them rushed out of the room, leaving the students to discuss what just had gone down, to themselves. But also catching the eye of one of the Weasley boys.

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