twenty nine

350 22 1

too many secrets

Theodosia finished writing her letter to Fred, as she sat across Beverly and Xander in The Three Broomsticks. Signing her name, she peered up, noticing Xander and Beverly being more friendly than usual, and Beverly giggling flirtatiously. Theodosia watched them, carefully, noticing their mannerisms were off. "What's this?" She finally asked, setting her quill down on the table.

"W-what?" Beverly stammered.

"Don't play dumb, you know I'm not blind." Theodosia rolled her eyes, knowingly. Beverly looked to Xander and then back to her, hesitant on if she should confide their hidden secret.

"Fine," she sighed "Xander and I are, well, together now." She told her, slightly uncomfortable and nervous for how Theodosia would react, not wanting her to feel left out of their little friend group.

"And you two have to hide that from your best friend because—?"

"Look, we didn't want to make you feel like a third wheel, alright?" Beverly insisted, kindly.

"That's awfully considerate for someone who usually isn't." Theodosia joked, as the two of them laughed a little. Xander looked nervous, holding onto Beverly's hand from just under the table.

"It's fairly new." Xander told her, trying to explain a little more.

"Please, you know I could care less." She rolled her eyes. "Beverly Bean. Has an interesting ring to it." She smirked, as Beverly blushed from embarrassment, with a smile. A ding on the front door of the place caused her attention to drift elsewhere as she looked over to see the golden trio entering in, and even further behind them, was Draco. "I'll be right back. Try not to snog too much or anything, that's a little unsanitary, and don't wanna be like Ginny and Dean over there." She told them, standing up and following her brother near the restrooms. "Hey!" She shouted at him, but he refused to turn around. "Hey! What're you doing?" She asked, quietly and confused, as she pulled his arm, so he faced her.

"Nothing." He lied. See, the thing was, she knew of the vanishing cabinet and how death eaters would be allowed to enter the castle. But, she had no idea that Draco was given a separate assignment, that was deadly. She was kept in the dark, for her own safety, by tall of her family. But those were good intentions held within evil people.

"Don't lie to me, Draco." She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, annoyed.

"I said nothing, Theodosia." He snapped, angrily, yanking his arm from her grasp. "Now, go back to your friends." But she refused to move, causing him to become even more frustrated with her. "Now, Theodosia." He demanded, with fire in his eyes.

"Fine. But, be careful." She scoffed, beginning to walk back to her table, only to bump into Professor Slughorn. "Oh, sorry, Professor." She laughed, awkwardly.

"Theodosia, dear!" He exclaimed. "I hope you'll be joining the rest of the high achievers in class at my dinner!" He continued, as she looked confused at him. "Did you not receive my owl?"

"No, sir?" She questioned.

"Well, be on the lookout!" He continued before walking away. Theodosia then proceeded back to her table yet again, where her friends waited patiently.

"Do you guys know of some dinner Slughorn's throwing for his star students or something?" She asked as they gathered their things, beginning their exit from the restaurant.

"Oh, I've heard of that!" Beverly exclaimed. "I didn't realize you were doing so well in his class?" She questioned, as she hadn't been in that class and neither was Xander.

"What can I say, I love potions." She shrugged, as they tracked through the snow, following the golden trio just up ahead. "You know, brew the perfect potion and you could take out any enemy discretely." She winked to them.

"I constantly find myself wondering how you're not in Slytherin." Xander joked, when a loud scream rang out ahead of them, and they looked to see Katie Bell floating in mid air, before crashing toward the ground below. Harry, Hermione and Ron gathered around her, as Hagrid pushed his way through to get to her. And Theodosia began to realize what may have happened to her, and who would have done it. Now, she just needed to find him again.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat