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all around me are familiar faces

           As Theodosia entered the Great Hall once again, she noticed the familiar faces she hadn't seen in a while, all around her. She spotted her brother, who was already seated amongst the other Slytherin's, so she continued on to the Gryffindor table with Xander and Beverly by her side. They placed themselves near some of the sixth years, and she glanced around at everyone, cautiously. She couldn't pinpoint why exactly she felt so nervous for this year. Maybe it was because of the fact that she knew for a fact that Voldemort was indeed back, and she had to conceal that knowledge deep in the back of her mind. Or maybe it was because her and Draco weren't getting along even more than usual, and the pressure from her family was subsequently driving her to the brink of insanity. Theodosia thought back to last year, when all the mayhem happened with the tri-wizard tournament, and the death of Cedric, knowing full well, it was partially her fathers fault, as he was a loyal follower to the dark lord, and truth be told, it terrified her. Times were growing dark, and life was becoming a vague pit of terror, but no one really knew that right now, except Harry, of course.

"Hey, Theo?" A voice shook her from her thoughts as her eyes darted up to see Beverly across from her, waving a piece of chicken in front of her face. "You sure you're alright?" She questioned, taking a bite of the food, which looked repulsive to Theodosia, as her appetite seemed to dissipate within a matter of moments.

"I'm fine." She forced a quick smile, noticing a pair of eyes staring over at her. She looked to see the friendly face, confirming it to be Fred Weasley, a sixth year who had quite the reputation for being not only hilarious, but kind to almost everyone, except her brother, that is. Most Gryffindor's didn't appreciate Theodosia's presence in the house. They often contemplated how a Malfoy could be there, and it was a strange stigma that she was just as cold as her family, because truthfully, she wasn't. Even when she tried to act like it. But Theodosia had a lot of love to give, and she always knew right from wrong.
Harry and his group of friends weren't too fond of her, and in her mind, it was understandable as her brother had been the biggest prat to them most of all, so why would she be any different? So she maintained her distance from them, knowing that if they wanted to reach out, she'd be willing to be there. But she would never overstep, that was certain.

"Theodosia," a voice began, as she looked over to the ginger-haired boy.

"Yes, Fred?" She asked, cooly, wondering what he could possibly want but also feeling a sense of warmth that people were seeming to talk to her just a little more.

"You've got this—" he began, as she looked down, wondering what he could be talking about. "Here," he reached forward across the table, pulling a leaf from the side of her hair, untangling it from the golden strands. She looked down, noticing it, and then back up to him.

"Thanks." She smiled slightly as he nodded in response. Embarrassment overcame her, as that was not exactly what she was thinking he'd be pointing out, and was a little disappointed as she had hoped maybe someone would strike a conversation with her, mostly to keep her thoughts at bay. She looked to Xander, who was seated beside her, laughing. She nudged him to the side a bit, annoyed by his incompetence of not telling her sooner, but he just continued to smile. "You're an ass." She threw a small piece of chicken at him, causing Beverly to laugh as well, and now Theodosia just couldn't contain a smile, as her friends meant the most to her. And she believed that blood doesn't make you family, but love does, and they gave her that endlessly.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now