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i'll do whatever it takes

Fred quietly waited for Theodosia in the Gryffindor common room. The excitement from what him and George had just done not too long ago, was still causing a lot of adrenaline through all the students, and as the Gryffindor's began to pile in, he mostly just looked for her. She was easy to spot, as she entered with her two friends, who, as soon as they noticed Fred, gave her a quick look, and rushed off. She approached him, smiling, as he stood to his feet. "That was, uh, quite the show." She laughed a little. "You know Umbridge is going to kill you two."

"Probably. But what more can she do that's not illegal?" He said, confidently.

"I wouldn't question it." She shrugged, looking up at him. He continued to just smile down at her, then suddenly he grabbed onto her hand, beginning to lead her from the room. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"I have somewhere to show you." He continued, as they snuck around the halls, dodging all of the prefects. Before she knew it, he was leading her down the hill from the castle, and toward the lake. "I know it's nothing special, but at least it's a place to go." He said, as they approached the edge of the water. The sun was just an hour away from setting, and it glistened beautifully. Theodosia stared out at the freedom ahead of her, but Fred just continued to stare toward her. Even though she found this to be beautiful, he found her to be even more so. "You just look so pretty, and I love this view. So it's a good combination." He finally spoke, as she looked from the water and to him, feeling his hand reached behind her head, and pulling her face to his. After a few moments, he quickly swung her over his shoulder, causing her to laugh loudly, but covering her mouth so they don't get caught. He brought her over to a large tree just a little up the way, still in perfect view of the lake. He lay her down, and followed after her, causing her to curl up into his chest, feeling happy once again.

"You've made me feel things I didn't even know was possible." She finally said to him, as he looked down at her.

"And you've managed to make me more happy in a short amount of time, than anyone really has. Funny how that works."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, we've been friends for a while now, and even then, I was falling for you, but even with just these past few days of us actually confessing to one another our feelings, it's like we've been together since the beginning." He shrugged, casually. As she latched onto the word 'falling'.

"It's like I can be the person I've always wanted to be when I'm around you, Fred." She told him, leaning forward, and kissing him once more. "We should get back before it gets dark." She suddenly told him, remembering that Hogwarts wasn't exactly the kindest right now. As the two walked back to the castle, Fred slipped his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. Theodosia continued to look straight ahead, but smiled to herself, feeling so much happiness in her heart.
But that was short lived.

"Theodosia!" A voice shouted as they had just entered the castle. Theodosia didn't need to turn to see who it was calling her name from far back down the hall, and she let out a loud sigh, in irritation.

"You should go. I'll deal with this." She then muttered to Fred.

"I'm not leaving you to get in trouble." He shook his head at her. She scoffed, but somewhat felt happy that he didn't want to let her get into trouble alone. As Draco approached them, she waited patiently, noticing Neville in his grasp.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked her brother.

"No, what the hell are you doing?" He snapped back, grabbing her arm, and continuing to walk. "The Weasley, again? Pathetic. I'd really expect better from you, Theodosia." He continued to nag at her.

"Where are you taking me?" She shouted at him.

"Let her go, Malfoy, come on." Fred pleaded, still following after them.

"Stay out of it, Weasley!" Draco shouted at him, as Neville began to feel a bit uncomfortable with everything happening before him.

"You're really going to let your sister get punished by Umbridge again? Seriously?" Fred dropped his hands to his sides, finding it repulsive that someone could treat their sibling this way.

"I said stay out of it!" Draco abruptly turned, letting go of Theodosia, and pointing his wand at Fred. Theodosia quickly stepped in front of him, in defense.

"Draco!" She shouted at him, sternly, before turning to Fred. "It's fine. Just, go tell the others, alright?" She said to him, before turning back to Draco, and letting him grab onto her once more, and leading them to Umbridge, with Fred watching the three of them walk away.

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