thirty three

336 21 3

not a date

Theodosia sat near Pansy and Draco in the great hall, as they ate breakfast in an awkward silence. Fred has left around 4 am, to decrease his chances of getting himself caught. Pansy continued to look bothered, as usual and Draco picked at the scrambled eggs on the plate before him. "Theodosia," the voice caught her off guard, as she looked up to see Blaise above her. Draco and Pansy both looked up, as well.

"What do you want, Blaise?" Draco asked for her.

"Could we take a walk?" He continued to stare at Theodosia, who, hesitantly, stood and followed him.

"What's going on?" She seemed worried, not knowing what he could want from her.

"Well, Slughorn's Christmas Party is coming up, and I took notice that you don't exactly have a date, and neither do I, so I figured it'd be perfect for us to attend together." He said as they continued walking down the hall. "Since we're required to have dates and all." Which he was correct. Theodosia had told Fred about the party, but he wouldn't be able to go since he is not a student anymore, and Fred insisted she got herself a date, just so maybe she could get her mind off of life, and have a little fun at the party. But as he had said, not too much fun.

"Blaise, you do know I am seeing Fred, right?" She rose an eyebrow, gazing over at him.

"Well, he's not here, is he?" He proceeded, rhetorically.

"Well, no, but he's still my boyfriend." She informed him, as he continued to peer down at her with a slight smirk on his face. Slytherin's really did a whole lot of smirking. She thought for a few moments, trying to figure out if this would be a good idea, but also knowing that Beverly and Xander were now a couple, and she was at her last resort. "Fine. We can go together, but this is not a date, alright? We are simply going together because we are required and have no one else."

"Whatever you say, Theodosia." He laughed, walking off. Blaise had other intentions, as he knew he was handsome, and knew he could have any girl he wanted, but right now, he really wanted Draco's twin. Maybe it was to piss his friend off just to mess with him a little, but maybe it was because he truly did like the girl.

"I'm serious, Zabini! It's not a date!" She demanded, standing in her spot, shouting from across the hall.

"Got it!" He waved her off. "Not a date." But his smirk still remained as he continued walking off into the distance. Theodosia shook her head, turning back to the great hall, but instead of going back to Draco's table, she walked over to Beverly and Xander, seating herself beside them.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now