twenty eight

357 22 2

i will never be satisfied

"So, did you two break up?" Beverly asked in a whisper, as the two girls walked through the library.

"No." Theodosia stated, reaching up, and grabbing a book on herbology.

"Okay, good, so you're still together." Beverly sighed in relief.

"Well, no, yes, uh, I dont know exactly. The conversation kind of got cut short when my brother walked in looking for me." She stopped herself from revealing too much of as to why Draco wanted her. "Something about our father." She looked to her.

"So, are you going to see him again?" Beverly asked.

"Well, I mean, yeah, he goes here?" Theodosia questioned.

"Not your brother, you knob! Fred!" Beverly nudged her.

"Oh, yeah, in a few days, I believe. He's going to make the trip back to Hogsmeade so we can talk more. I mean, we kissed goodbye and everything, so, it's complicated." Theodosia shrugged.

"Why did you two even fight anyways?" Beverly asked, as that's all Theodosia had told her, which wasn't even true considering they didn't fight.

"My fault, I guess. I got upset he dropped out because now it's impossible to see him and I hate the distance." She lied, trying to come up with the best reason she could think of on spot. Beverly looked to her, seeming to believe this lie, and the two proceeded to grab the rest of their books, walking out of the library. As they walked down the corridors, Theodosia noticed Draco walking down the side, careful not to be seen, but not careful enough for her, as she had a tendency to spot him within a full crowd, even. "Hey, I'll meet you back at the room in a little while." She turned to Beverly, who nodded, walking off. Theodosia collected herself, before following after Draco, who stood, staring at the wall before him, and then looking around his surroundings.

"Theodosia?" He questioned, looking to his left.

"What're you up to, brother, prowling around the castle?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow curiously.

"Why are you here, Theodosia?" He grew cross with her intentions and intrusive behavior. She looked to him, knowingly, as they both knew why she was there. And even if he didn't want to admit it to himself, she couldn't let him tackle this mission on his own. He looked back to the wall, closing his eyes and conjuring up the room of requirement. They walked through, noticing it wasn't the same as before, but more or less a storage room for all the hidden oddities within the school. Theodosia looked around, picking up random objects and placing them back, when she heard the noise. Looking to it, she saw the vanishing cabinet's sister before them. Draco, holding the green apple in his hand, looked back at her.

"Well, you ready to get this going?" She asked, with a sigh. He slightly nodded, before beginning the process of mending the cabinet.

After a couple of hours, Draco decided it was best for them to get back to their dormitories. He turned around, to notice his sister, fast asleep on one of the old dusty chairs placed nearby, resting her head on her hand. He looked to her, feeling a sense of pity that she was brought into this, but thankful she was insisting on helping him, even if a part of him wanted to keep her from it all. Walking to her, he gently shook her awake. "You should head back."

"Are we finished?" She asked with a yawn.

"I'm finished, for now at least." He told her as she stood to her feet. "You weren't of much assistance."

"How could I be, with you scolding me for everything I tried to do?" She rolled her eyes as they walked out of the room of requirement, with the doors vanishing behind them.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now