thirty four

346 22 1

another day, another party

Theodosia pulled the black, form fitting silk dress up her body, as Beverly finished touching up the flowers filling her long, wavy hair. "There, take a look." Beverly said, proud. Theodosia turned to the body length mirror, and stared at herself, critiquing everything.

"You don't think this is too much?" She asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "I hate dresses."

"God, lady, you need to learn to love your image. Embrace your beauty and own it. You look hot." Beverly told her, rolling her eyes, before handing her the high heels. "So, Fred actually told you to take a date?"

"No, not told me. Demanded me." Theodosia laughed a little. "He wants me to just have fun and relax, I guess. But I still find it odd that Blaise asked." She furrowed her eyebrows, before standing up off the bed and looking at the final image of herself.

"Better make sure he doesn't get the wrong idea. That one's too mysterious, even more so than Draco. And it scares me." Beverly joked, with a smile.

"I can handle it." Theodosia shrugged, as Beverly now walked her down the steps to the front of the common room. They walked out, and just in time, as Blaise had been walking up to wait.

"Wow, you look great." He complimented her, as Beverly gave him an unamused look.

"Yeah, yeah, she knows. I want her back by midnight." Beverly joked, waving to her friend, and then walking off.

"She doesn't like me very much, now, does she?" He smirked as they began walking down the corridor.

"She doesn't like anyone, don't take it personally." Theodosia smiled to him. She had wished Fred were here, and she had written to him letting him know that Blaise was going to be her "date", which unsurprisingly, Fred wasn't mad, considering he insisted she find a date and go. He was just happy to know that she was his no matter what. As they approached the party, she noticed Harry walking in with Luna. They walked in just after, looking around at all the students who were here.

"Drink?" Neville asked, approaching the two of them, awkwardly.

"Yeah, thanks, Neville." She smiled to him, as he returned one back.

"You look nice, Theodosia." He complimented her, attempting to be kind, but Blaise, on the other hand, scowled at him, causing Neville's smile to quickly fade, and he walked off.

"Hey, Harry." Theodosia called out, approaching him.

"Hey, Theo. How're you?" He began with the small talk.

"Five by five. See you brought Luna!" She exclaimed, happily.

"Yeah, I uh, see you brought Blaise." He looked over at the boy, standing with pride near the edge of curtain that was surrounding the room.

"Fred's okay with it." She leaned forward in a quiet tone. "He actually insisted. Wanted me to get out and have fun, I guess." She continued, with a smile. A sudden ruckus caused them to look up, as they saw Draco dragged in, by Filch. "Oh, God." Theodosia mumbled to herself, quietly, returning to Blaise's side.

"Take your hands off me, you filthy squib!" Draco protested.

"Professor, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." Filch began, holding Draco by his black jacket. Theodosia felt her hand reach her forehead, frustrated with his sloppiness.

"What is he thinking?" Theodosia muttered to Blaise, who shrugged.

"Okay, okay, I was gatecrashing!" Draco lied in an excuse. Snape stepped forward, peaking Theodosia's interest.

"I'll escort him out." He told them, when he then took Draco out of the party. Theodosia felt she needed to follow, considering she was somewhat apart of all this nonsense.

"I'll be back." She sighed to Blaise, exiting out of the curtains, behind them.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" She heard Draco say to Snape, when Snape suddenly pushed him against the wall. She approached quietly.

"I swore to protect you. I made the unbreakable vow." He told him, scolding the foolish behavior.

"I don't need protection." Draco insisted, confidently. "I was chosen for this. And I won't fail him."

"You're afraid, Draco." Snape told him, knowingly. "Let me assist you."

"No!" Draco demanded in return.

"What's the meaning of this?" Theodosia asked, worried that someone could be listening in, overhearing it all. Snape and Draco both looked to her.

"Go back to your little party, Theodosia." Draco demanded of her.

"Is everything alright?" She proceeded to ask, knowing it never was in the world of death eaters.

"Fine." Snape insisted, in his usual monotone voice.

"Alright." She nodded, playing dumb, but figuring she could ask about it later on. She hesitantly turned, walking back to the party, where Blaise waited outside at. "I think I'm going to head back to my dormitory, if that's alright?" She asked him.

"Yeah, uh, let me walk you back." He gave his typical half smile, as they proceeded to walk back to Gryffindor's Dormitory entrance. "Thank you for accompanying me tonight, Theodosia." He told her as they approached the painting.

"Of course. It was fun, until you know, Draco causing a scene, per usual." She laughed a little. And out of nowhere, Blaise leaned down, taking her chin in his hand, and kissed her, but Theodosia shot back, in surprise and somewhat disgust. "Blaise, I told you this wasn't a date." She said to him, quietly. "I'm with Fred. And I'm happy." She continued, looking toward her feet, feeling somewhat sorry for the boy, but not sorry enough to ruin her relationship.

"Why?" He scoffed.

"Because I love him. And nothing will change that." They stood in an uncomfortable silence for a few moments. "But, thank you, again. I appreciate you taking me, and I love having you as my friend." She smiled, and with that walked into the portrait, and up the stairwell to the gurls dormitory. Opening the door, she was faced with the one person she wanted to see most of all.

"Well, don't you look beautiful." He said, with a cheeky smile, causing her to laugh a little, in embarrassment. "Blaise enjoy his time?" He asked, smirking.

"A little too much, I think." She scoffed, scratching her head, while rolling her eyes.

"Come here." He insisted, reaching his arms out as he pulled her to the bed, and began to kiss her.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now