twenty two

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Theodosia stood across Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, wearing an all black, slim fitting, pantsuit, which wasn't as horrible as it sounded, as she pulled it off well, and Theodosia was never one for dresses. Skirts, sure, but dresses, absolutely not. Pantsuits were her comfort zone, as she discovered her love for them over the summer, while Draco also began to dress in suits as well, as that was how their family was. Always classy, and somewhat overdressed, but stylish.
She stood, watching the crowd pile in. And she felt unnerved, uncomfortable, but mostly, out of place. She only had little time, for she had something she was required to do. Draco walked beside her, peering down at his sister, carefully. "Go." He told her, as she looked up to him. "I know you want to see that Weasley twin, so just go. Meet me in Knockturn Alley in thirty. Alright?" He told her, sternly. She nodded, in agreement, and he quickly walked away, and out of sight. She continued to stare for a few moments, but knowing she was limited on time, she walked forward, and through the busy front door. Around her, were kids grabbing at the many items of jokes and pranks to purchase. She felt a sense of pride fill her mind for Fred, as he deserved this success and happiness. Her eyes quickly glanced around the room, searching for the red haired boy, when suddenly,

"Theo?" The voice said, as she turned to see him, standing behind her, in shock, but excitement.

"Hey, Fred." She couldn't contain her smile.

"You look," He tried to find the right words.

"I think what my brother means to say, is you look good." George appeared beside him, complimenting her for Fred. Theodosia let out a giggle as she looked to him.

"Well, thanks for that, George."

"Anytime, it's about time you showed up, I was beginning to grow tired of Fred's obsession over you." He nudged his brother, who grew red with embaressment.

"Obsession, huh?" She joked, looking to Fred.

"Piss off, George." Fred scoffed, playfully.

"Alright, alright. Just don't snog in front of all these children, that's weird." George joked once more, before walking off. Fred stared down at Theodosia, taking her in. It had felt like forever since he had seen her last, and he wanted nothing more than to just embrace the sight of her.

"Could we uh, maybe go somewhere private? I don't have much time." She asked, in all seriousness. He looked somewhat saddened by the fact that she couldn't stay there with him longer, but he obliged, leading her into the back room, in which looked to be some sort of office. The two stood across from each other, staring uncomfortably, as they were both at a loss for words.

"I haven't heard from you in a while." Fred finally spoke.

"I know. I'm sorry, uh, a lot's happened back at home, and I just, couldn't, I guess." She scratched her head, knowing she can't tell him the full truth, even with as much as she wanted to.

"Are you alright?" He wondered, concerned.

"I'm okay." She lied. "I mean, I've been better, but I'm figuring it out." She looked down, as he approached her. "You cut your hair." She reached up, running her fingers through it.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"I do." She smirked, and before anything more could be said, he leaned down, kissing her, while lifting her up onto the desk behind them, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. It felt nice to feel his warmth against her once again. Fred just had a habit or radiating this positive and happy energy, that she was so drawn to. Before this situation could escalate any further, she pulled apart from him, as the two breathed heavily. "I have to go." She told him, in almost a whisper. "I don't want to, but I have to." She looked down, pressing her head against his chest, feeling defeated. She hopped down from the desk, and grabbed her coat, beginning to walk to the exit.

"Will I see you again?" He asked, as she turned from the doorway.

"Only if you want to." She smirked, before finally walking out, and leaving the shop entirely.

It didn't take her long to get to Knockturn Alley, where Draco waited near Borgin and Burkes. He looked to her, wondering how she was holding up, but he'd never ask that, as even though they grew close, he wouldn't let himself give her too much satisfaction of him trying to better himself. "You get the validation you needed?" He asked, resorting back to that cocky, arrogant attitude.

"Not really." She sighed, as they walked into the shop together.

"Children," Narcissa greeted them, as Theodosia looked around the creepy shop. Bellatrix eyed her, cautiously, as she didn't fully trust her niece since the Ministry excursion. But Theodosia had to work extra hard to gain their trust this previous summer, with the help of Draco, who basically is the only reason she most likely wasn't killed by her psychotic aunt. "Come, follow us, and we will begin the initiation."

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