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holidays with the malfoys never go as planned

Theodosia and Draco Malfoy, stood in front of the two large doors to their home, Malfoy Manor. Theodosia hadn't said more than two words to her brother, as he was a nuisance in her life, at this point. She had wished that instead of being home for the holidays, she could have gone with the Weasley's, but she never had much of a say for what she was allowed to do, and where to go. As a house elf let the two in, she gazed around at the unwelcoming home. She held many memories within these walls, but most, were dark, suppressed memories, that made her skin crawl, and her stomach sick. Draco almost immediately went to their mother, who he was particularly attached to, as she had a tendency to coddle him, to an extent. Theodosia used to have a decent relationship with their father, which always drove Draco mad with jealousy and envy. But that relationship quickly fizzled out, after last year, when Cedric Diggory was killed, and the rumors of Voldemort returning emerged. But it was when she witnessed him do something so heinous and cruel, that she really distanced herself from him.

"Theodosia, dear." Her mother's voice rang, as her heels echoed through the foyer of their home. She gave her daughter a quick hug, before releasing her. "How was your journey home?" She proceeded to ask the both of them.

"Fine, mother." Theodosia responded, cooly, as she heard her father now approaching from the left hall beside her.

"Welcome home." Lucius greeted now, not seeming very thrilled to have his children interfere during these trying times. Theodosia felt her body tense up, as she looked to her father. "We need to have a discussion, you and I." He now said to her, causing anxiety to enhance within her.

"Oh, Lucius, they just got home. Couldn't this wait?" Narcissa attempted to protest, as she knew what this conversation was going to entail and she didn't want to ruin her daughter's holidays, as she had just arrived.

"Come." He continued, ignoring his wife's plead for peace. Theodosia nodded, following him to his office, just around the corner. He took a seat near the window, continuing to stare at her, as she stood before him, across the room, nervously. "I hear you have been continuing to step out of line with Professor Umbridge." He began, as she exhaled. Her mind drifted to a while back, when she snuck out of bed, and crept down the stairs, seeing Lucius with someone in this exact office, she now dreaded going in. What she witnessed that cold, dreary night, had lingered in the back of her mind for years now, as what she saw, was the reason she could see the Thestrals. She had no idea who the man was, or why her father did what he did, but she didn't care. Because he killed someone. And that was worse than anything. "Theodosia?" He spoke up again, bringing her back down from her dark thoughts.

"Father, she's horrible. She treats us like we're just animals and," She tried to begin.

"Enough." Lucius rose his hand in her view, in protest of her speaking out of turn. "You are to listen to her, and do as she says. This doesn't look good on our family, and you falling out of line, will cause me issues with the Ministry, am I understood?" He spoke sternly, and disappointed with her actions.

"Yes." She looked down, before beginning to turn out, and leave.

"Another thing," He stopped her, standing up, and walking over by her side, almost in a threatening tone. "You are, and I mean this with every ounce of my being, to stay away from that Weasley boy. You are to not associate with him any longer, and I will not have a blood traitor in my home." He demanded, sending a chill down her spine, as she peered up at him, careful not to send him the wrong signal of disobedience. She nodded slightly, and he then widened the door, letting her finally exit in a quickened speed, hurrying up to her bedroom, not wanting to leave the rest of her stay in her home.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя