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umbridge's quick defeat

"Draco, let go of me!" Theodosia demanded, as he held on to her sleeve tightly. "I can walk there myself!"

"You did this to yourself, Theodosia. I warned you." He scoffed, still continuing to drag her with Neville to Umbridge's office.

"This is ridiculous! Stop acting like you're so bloody innocent!" She shouted, as Neville glanced at her. "If anything, let him go, just bring me." She tried to demand once more. Neville now, felt the urge to speak up.

"No, let her go, she's your sister, for merlin's sake." He protested, as Draco grew more frustrated.

"Shut up! The both of you!" He shouted at them, causing them to grow quite as they approached the office. To Theodosia's surprise, Luna, and Ginny were already there. But so were Ron, Hermione and Harry. "I've got two more for you, Professor." Draco told her, proud of himself. Theodosia quickly shook herself from his tight grasp and placed herself by Ginny.

"Quite the brother." She scoffed to herself, irritated at his behavior. "Thought it was family over everything? Guess that doesn't apply to me, right?" Theodosia now snapped, even louder so they all heard.

"Quiet!" Umbridge demanded, before looking back at Harry who was seated in a chair before them all. "Now, you were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" She asked Harry, leaning forward in his face.

"No." He responded, when suddenly a harsh smack across his face caused everyone to grow more concerned.

"You sent for me?" A grim voice asked as Theodosia looked up to see Snape joining them.

"Snape, yes. The time has come for answers. Have you brought the potion?" She asked him, confidently.

"I'm afraid you used up the last of it." Snape responded, glancing from Harry, to Theodosia, and back to Umbridge. Snape wound up walking out, leaving Umbridge to do whatever she pleased with the lot of them.

"You've left me no choice, Potter. I have no alternative. The cruciatus curse will have to suffice." She informed him.

"That's illegal!" Hermione spoke up.

"You're completely mental." Theodosia shook her head, feeling herself grow angry. Draco quickly pulled her sleeve, silencing her. As Umbridge readied her wand in Harry's face, Hermione spoke up once more.

"Just tell her, Harry!" She shouted.

"Tell me what?" Umbridge asked, now looking to her.

"Dumbledore's secret weapon." She told her, in a lie.

"Secret weapon?" She now lowered her wand.

"In the forbidden forest?" Theodosia asked, loud enough for her to hear, playing in to this little ploy.

"Yes. We can take you." Hermione said again, while Umbridge now grabbed onto Harry's shirt, lifting him to his feet, and Hermione approached.

"Well, let's get a move on." She demanded. "Escort the rest of them to their dormitories." She looked to Draco and his friends, then proceeded to exit the room with them.

"Let go of me!" Theodosia shook her arm from Draco's grasp and scowled. "We know how to get to our rooms, thank you." She began to walk out, with Neville, Luna, Ron and Ginny, following after. And they had a plan.

Dear Theodosia [fred weasley]Where stories live. Discover now