" Hey "

" I know you don't like my presence and I don't mind that. That's how you feel and I respect it. I just hope you can give me a chance and accept me for today, just today. "
I claimed with a whispered tone hoping I didn't make this worse. I was still received with calming silence coming from him while the rest were too engaged in their conversation to hear my babbling.
I decided to finish off my attempt to work this out.

" I know what it feels like, it's hard ,but it's okay to try sometimes. " I explained referring to accepting people. I mean who am I kidding? I should be saying that to myself.
Advising him made me feel somewhat hypocritical. You know how the fact I don't bare the idea of trusting people yet and here I am acting like an expert.
As soon as I let those words fall out of my mouth he snapped.

" You don't know crap. You don't know how I feel, hell, you aren't even close daddy's princess. Stay away from me and yourself out of my business. " Seth warned me with a sharp tone telling me that, that was a threat.
Looking no where ,but deeply in my eyes glaring down at me then rushing out slamming the door along his way.
I sighed quietly keeping my gaze etched on the door and far away as possible from the intense stares coming my way from Seths sudden outburst.
Amelia bursted out after him before throwing a stern look my way. I don't blame her or anyone else, anyone but myself.

" You should give him time. " Melanie spoke up.
Blake smiles in a comforting matter.

" Yeah, don't stress it that much he'll come around eventually. "
He says trying to make me feel better.

" I'm going to talk to him. Finish off don't wait for us. " Tyler claimed as he took off after them.
That was what's missing, drama.
Sighing I turned to Blake.

" I had to ruin it, out of everything I could've done to make this normal I went for the worst way possible to ruin it. "

" Hey, it's not your fault, Seth has bad days and these are one of those days we are the ones who are put to blame since we didn't warn you from the beginning. " Melanie spoke her mind trying to assure me that I had nothing to do with it ,but hah say that to my anxiety.

Feeling like I couldn't stand staying with them and ruining their night any longer I chose to take Adam to my room so that we can watch upstairs to avoid any more tractions with drama.

" Where do you think you're going? "
Blake countered staring at me as if daring me to say I was leaving which led to Alec and Melanie to stare at me as well waiting for an answer.

" Um, I'm heading upstairs "

" why? "

" so that me and Adam can enjoy our time and let you guys enjoy yours without any more drama. "

" no, you're not. "

" why not? "

" listen, you had nothing to do with this. What happened happened. All you wanted to do was make things better like we said before, Seth has bad days. He has always been like this, since you're becoming a part of us you should try to get used to who he is along with his change of mood. Soon, he'll get used to you. It just needs time. "

Part of us.
The sound of it just makes me shiver making me realize what I was getting myself into.

" I, I don't think I want to be a part of it. " I whispered ,but quickly finished when I noticed the look on their faces.

" It's not what you think. I mean it's just I don't want to be an obligation and you know. Forget it, you guys wouldn't understand. " I lowered my head
" As you said to Seth, for today try to accept it for what it is. "
Blake spoke ,but still had that look on his face trying to mask it off ,but couldn't.

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