Safe haven

112 14 49

Hazels P.O.V.

They say " life is simple. "
Is it really?

The good days, yes I agree, but along with the days of distress, where all your hopes drift away. . . Could it be?

How could life be simple when there could be so many qualities that come with it?

Love, faith, regret, suffer, sorrow and agony define that life couldn't be simple cause after faith comes hope and after hope follows love.
Love wouldn't be complete if you didn't suffer and sometimes retrieve agony leading into sorrow and regret.
How could all of this be defined as simple, when you can define it as painfully beautiful.

As to the days where you feel genuinely happy, you'd look at life from a point where you'd believe it'll last.

Looking at life from different points is the beauty of it. Telling yourself that it is simple simply wouldn't allow you to enjoy the beauty of it.
One moment I feel like I'm hurt, that no one could ever help me, the next I realize how lucky I am for the twists and turns in my life. Without them, I wouldn't be here with people that actually care about me, that are willing to put a smile on my face, that are willing to try...
Pain doesn't decease life once you've felt it, you'd appreciate the love once it comes.

" Are you not coming? " Melanie shouted cutting the melody of my thoughts and turning me to the laughter of our friends.

That's the word I was looking for, " melody. "

Life is a melody of notes high and low.


We were all seated Sunday afternoon at the same park we went to last time, not the place me and Tyler went to. That was a complete other place.
Today Anna phrased that we needed to spend some quality time together as a family so she missed work and prepared everything for the barbeque. She also asked Tyler to invite our friends which they did gladly which warmed my heart knowing they all look to Anna as another mother and the same with Anna. She looks to them as her own.

The weather along with the vibe was beyond beautiful. Adam stumbled after the ball as Alex and Ales tossed it over him leading Adam to look like the cutest mokney in the middle. Once in a while Blake or Seth would steal the ball and give it to Adam run off with him and the ball.
The boys were tossing the football while we girls were seated talking to Anna.

" I've seen Hazel's outfits and they fire. " Anna started in an exaggerated matter causing us to chuckle before the girls agreed.

" You should see the way she dresses up for school. She even passed Cloe. " Melanie smiled beaming at me proudly.

" You call Cloe's outfits fashion? " Amelia gasped continuing what she had to say about Cloes wardrobe.

" That girl wears one colour a day following the rules of mean girls wearing pink every Wednesday. Lennie, you shouldn't even compare her to Hazel. "

" Wow, I never expected that. " I chuckled lightly astounded.

" I've seen your outfits and trust me people that work with me can barely do what you do. " Anna confirmed referring to her job which I believe is a fashionist.

" I guess I know what I want to do in my future. " I laughed

" Since you enjoy it, why not give it a try? "

" I do actually, ever since I was young I loved to choose my own dresses but I always thought of it as a hobby, nothing else. "

" Please, shut up! " Melanie hissed nudging me in a joking matter when my phone broke our conversation.

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