Chapter 1.

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Marina's POV

The wine glass in my hand, dangled through my fingers as I lazily took a sip out of it. The fresh water which was inside, soon flowed down my throat, it soothed the soreness which had appeared overnight. I shifted around on the uncomfortable outside furniture on my balcony. I needed to invest in some sort of cushion. I sighed and gave up trying to get in a relatively comfy position and slid back onto the metal, the coldness sent the hairs on my spine upwards. This would be a great place to watch the sunrise I thought, if only I ever got up before two in the afternoon. I took another gulp of the fresh tap water and placed the glass down on the table. I could hear the hustle and bustle of the London streets twenty stories below, but I was content right where I was, for the time being. I grabbed a humbug of the table and slipped it into my mouth, running it along my teeth with my tongue. The headache that had occurred from last night's events had subsided so much that I had forgotten it was even there, nothing water can't fix. I could hear my neighbour blasting their music through the walls, I grinned to myself whilst tapping my foot to the rhythm. I had no idea what it was, half the time I didn't have a clue what I was listening to. If it has a beat then I'm all for it. I was getting into the rhythm when my phone vibrated violently against the table. I snatched it up and read the flashing screen, in the process of getting up and wandering inside so the neighbours couldn't hear my conversation.

"Hey Belle, what's up?" I greeted as bit down on the hard boiled sweet in my mouth.

"Hung over?" She chuckled.

"Of course not, I'm hard core." I replied sarcastically, but it wasn't a complete lie. I didn't suffer hang overs very often, something my group of friends envied me for. I set the now empty wine glass on the kitchen counter as I listened to her ramble on.

"You keep telling yourself that."

"I don't need to. So, any reason you called? Or did you just want to hear my voice?" I joked.

"Now you're seriously dreaming." She replied whilst we both laughed. "Anyway, got any plans for tonight? No? Good." She continued already answering her own question.

"And what if I do have plans?" I questioned, if only she could see how high my eyebrows were raised.

"What sort of plans would you have?"

"I could be meeting some friends, I could have a hot date or-"

"You don't have any other friends besides us and you don't date, remember?" I could tell she was raising her high brows now.


"So we're meeting at Sparkz at eleven tonight."

"Isn't that the really upper class nightclub that not even Renae could get into?" I asked as I placed another sweet in my mouth. Renae, the leader of our friendship group, not your usual bitch like you'd expect. Everyone still wants to be her best friend though. Her parents are well off you could say, also well known yet Sparkz had never heard of them. Getting turned away at a Nightclub is always embarrassing but when you're practically dead on your feet from all the alcohol you don't care, well from what I can recall.

"Yeah, but Renae has got friends who can get us in, they put us on the guest list for the VIP area."

"What friends..." I trailed off in a suspicious tone.

"It's Ren, it could be anyone. I just wanna get mortal." She laughed. I rolled my eyes at her word for getting drunk, mortal was definitely one way to put it.

"Wasn't last night enough?"

"Is that Marina ditching us on a night out?"

"Ha no." I cackled. "I'm more worried about you, miss try and sleep on her doorstep instead of walking the extra ten feet to her bed."

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